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Into the Void

A Poem About Fate

By Ann HerroldPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Into the Void
Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

We’ve come a long, long way from home.

Our comfort zones trashed,

Much like our streets,

And blood vessels,

Sailing quietly toward the sun,

Icarus would be proud,

We believe too much in our immortality,

Worshiping the burned beggar on the street,

All the while criticizing his rags,

No one thought we’d get lost,

Small children try to grasp the swirling dust,

In the sunlight,

Pictures glide and stare at the lonely painter,

Women weave the fates of all men,

Embroidering the events about to unfold,

Try as you might,

You can’t see the tapestry.

We had lost it

Snowy days blind those hard of hearing,

They refuse to see,

Or hear,

All they know is black and white,

When life is a brilliant mash of hues,

One person can fail to see them all equally,

But they exist,

Each person juggles something in their back pocket,

Perhaps they know its there,

They choose to ignore it,

Fate is not something that is dropped upon you,

It rolls out onto the road,

Something had to push it,

And it hits you,

Nothing is more dangerous then the prick of a needle,

Such a tiny thing can leave you bleeding,

Now you’ve found it,

Can you afford to ever lose it?

For whatever is lost can be found,

It was found before,

Perhaps you didn’t look at it in the eye correctly,

If you look again you may find something,

That wasn’t there before,

There is always something to discover,

Inside oneself,

Those who put too much logic to their reason,

Never search,

Those who always dig,

Never find,

They both lose,

It’s a catastrophic balancing act.

She reached out for a man falling backwards,

As she fell forwards,

In the middle was a child,

With eyes that led to the void,

Together they traveled,

Pulling this way and that,

Until they were able,

To stand straight.

They thought they had found it

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Ann Herrold

A freelance writer that shares her experience with PTSD, trauma, depression, life, and love. Part of the LGBTQIA+ community, master procrastinator, bog goblin and expert pie eater.

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