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Indigo Child.

In living color.

By Sorae Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Indigo Child.
Photo by Kent Pilcher on Unsplash

I am who I am supposed to be.

I was born one with nature. An unruly child, similar to pastures of luscious green brush, wild flowers like orange lilies and yellow dahlias.

Brown and rich, like the earth in which I was planted, blossoming from deep within the core of the earth's soil, I sprouted.

Like a phoenix, I rose from the ashes of my ancestors.

They are me, I am them.

I was born to be free, a product of those who came before me. I am their wildest dream.

They illuminated my path with golden torches, they showed me the way to be, to live my truth purposefully.

The blood that courses through my veins, red and hot, thicker than lava.

I’m strapped with the proper knowledge and experiences from my souls many reincarnations.

I live with a deep knowing, intuition and a deep rooted legacy, equipped from birth, everlastingly supplied.

I was born in the spring, in the stillness of the night, an indigo child.

We all are a messy mix of different hues, an array of balls of colors, a rainbow of a soul, encompassed and wrapped in many different shades of skin; a physical combustion.

My feet, black as coal, a visual representation of me walking my destined path, my feet dragging across the Earth’s surface.

My legs burn with determination, I keep trekking until I find what fills my soul with meaning, red as passion, I search for purpose.

With an orange hue, similar to a summer night sunset, my natural abilities are clarified. I birth my creations, my deepest passions, a highlight of my creative pursuits.

The sun has set on the standards’ society had tried to place upon me, I was meant to carve out a path less traveled, to explore a different route.

Filled with a fire so intense, it burns a hole in my belly, as yellow as day, it blinds those who aren't used to seeing the aspects of the sun in human form.

I shine regardless of outer circumstances, obstacles, and detours. I survive regardless of plot twists, uncertain days,messy situations, and the losses that I have mourned.

I live with love. Similar to our beginnings in the womb, our hearts are the first organ to physically form. A creation of new life, a new identity, a new body for an old soul.

Heart chakra energy, with an aura so pure, green, fresh and fair.

It feels like a new day, a new season, a breathe of fresh air.

It reminds me of the season of spring. After a barren winter, the sun shines , there is a release of April showers. Just like May, spring brings forth new life, new plants, and new flowers.

Although my feet may guide my steps, my heart, filled with love, leads the way.

The life I live is not merely physical but an experience and an adventure in human form.

One soul within many lifetimes, a never ending transformation, a body that may be bruised but an entity that is never torn.

From those ancestors with the most purple of skin tones to those ancestors whose pale skin reflected the dawn of a new day, a morning sky in July.

Each strand of my color coded DNA incorporates each and every one of them, a generation of legacies meant to last.

My journey is one that comes from a complex history, a special ode to history and the past.

I was born from color filled warriors, I rise, soar, stumble but never fall.

I give thanks for the wisdom, guidance, and the triumphs.

I hold a medal of honor to commemorate them all.

Our physical bodies will continue to grow and decay over many lifetimes.

Our spirit however, will never cease to exist, an array of color, a rainbow of a soul, red like fire, orange like the fall, yellow like lillies, or blue like the sky. Our souls and the souls of those who came before us will forever shine.

I am me, I am them, in living color.


About the Creator


“Protect ya neck.

Protect your energy.”

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