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If You Only Knew

A Poem About the Power of Mental Agility

By EYHCSPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
If You Only Knew
Photo by Nejc Soklič on Unsplash

If you only knew how I crafted you from scratch with love, authority, grace, and the plans I have in store for you.

Would you still focus on your current situation or press forward beyond your reality into my spirituality?

If you only knew that what you envision determines my response. Would you still limit me by visualizing the lack of overabundance? Or would you alter your vision?

If you only knew that my love for you is all-consuming and all-knowing.

Would you still lie about the intentions of your heart?

If you only knew that your heart determines your actions.

Would you still feed it doubt, confusion, despair, hate, unforgiveness, and things designed to bring death and not life? Death of spirit. Death of mind.

Or would you stop to sow the spirit of faith, clarity, hope, love, mercy, and words that speaks of life?

If you knew that you could not find the power to change your situation in a bottle or pill but in the well of Living Water. Would you drink? Would you share it with those less fortunate than you? Or would you be thirsty in a flooded land?

If you only knew that your neighbor's blessings depended on your response to the call. Would you care? Would you respond?

Or would you turn and walk away, saving God's blessing for a later day when his Angel stood before you?

By Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

If you only knew that the authority I have provided to you in my name is your most powerful tool. Would you use it?

Or would you overlook the treasures in your war chest because the speaker was different than expected?

If you only knew the hurdles you have already overcome or the victories, you have already won.

If you only knew the life you have already lived and fulfilled.

If you only knew the people you have touched or the saints you have met.

If you only knew the love you have already given and received. Would it change you?

The lives you have already saved, the dreams you have made, the time you have already redeemed, the angels you have entertained, the party I have prepared in your honor on that excellent and authentic day.

Would it change you?

Or would you stay the same, living in poverty when I have prepared you a place of wealth and a feast fit for royalty?

If you only knew that I had outlined specific promises of scientific proportions about how you press forward and through. Would you use them?

Or would you deliver your inheritance to the enemy of your progression without even a call to the avenger of salvation, glory, and honor?

If you knew that every promise I have only worked when you hide it within your heart. Would you?

Or would you take the road less traveled and receive the brokenness of being lost without purpose?

If you only knew that, unlike the promises of humanity, my commitments are eternal, without regard or respect for the person. Would you challenge me?

Or would the challenges overtake you because you decided to believe in the promises of the temporal over the promises of the eternal?

If you only knew that you could ask me anything, and if you believe it has been received in the spirit I have indwelt in you, it is yours. Would you ask?

Or do you remember how to call me?

I tell you now, I tell you later, and I tell you constantly that if you knew what I knew, you would look into the mirror and see life abundantly.

You would see hope in a hopeless situation.

You would see the light in the dead of night.

You would see peace in the storm if you even saw the storm.

You would see what I see when I look at you…ME!

So as you go through this day…

Start by changing your sight.

Begin to seek me;

Begin to romance me;

Begin to know the one that first knew you;

Begin to ask me what you need;

Begin to question your thoughts;

Begin to pattern your actions;

Begin to connect with others who speak life to your situations; Begin to inspire the uninspired;

Begin to claim the plans I have for you, the love I have given you;

Begin to relish in my presence;

Begin to live the life you were created to live.

It is in the beginning and through the initiation of the process that the transition creates an environment for transformation.

If you remember nothing, remember that you must first accept the charge and all that comes with it to begin the journey.

Remember that, sometimes, living means dying, and dying means living. I can give you life, but what you do with it relies on you.

I loved you when I made you.

I love you when you fall.

I loved you when you left me.

I will love you when you decide to return, for you are bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, and spirit of my spirit.

Claim me and enjoy the journey.

For if you only knew…


About the Creator


Poet by birth. Writer by craft. Artist by nature. I write poems, prose, short stories, fiction, and realism works of art dissecting the human condition and the resilience of the human mind. Many of my pieces are metaphoric stanzas.

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  • Novel Allen10 months ago

    Another lovely gem. Your poetry sound like 'HandsomeLouisthe poet's'. Both write about love and loss so wonderfully. This was lovely.

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