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I Lose Myself

Love poem

By Irina PattersonPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Collage by the author, Irina Patterson, image credit -- ractapopulous on Pixabay*

I lose myself in the course of your lips

where I find my haven and holy meditation.

I am intoxicated by your presence

as if you were my favorite scent of neroli.

You are my silent prayer,

the poem I whisper when night falls and

everything is quiet except for our hearts' pounding and

the light giggling of mischievous stars

that are playing hide-and-seek among themselves.

You are the rhyme to my love song,

the lyrics that flow through my veins

and lift me up when I am down.

I cannot help but love you

as if that were the very purpose of my life.

Without you, I am but a dry husk,

a brittle leaf that will crumble and 

blow away with the first gust of wind.

With you, I am vibrant,

translucent, and full of light.

How ironic that the thing that keeps me so alive,

is also the thing that scares me the most:

the depth of my love for you is a morbid chasm 

that I could fall into and get disintegrated.

But even knowing the risks,

I would leap from that ledge again,

without thinking twice,

stubbornly believing that you would catch me

in your strong embrace before I hit the bottom.

. . .

© Irina Patterson, March 21, 2022

Thank you for reading, my other stories are here.

Love, Irina

*Image credit https://pixabay.com/illustrations/girl-spring-flowers-wreath-art-2270557/

love poems

About the Creator

Irina Patterson

M.D by education -- entertainer by trade. I try to entertain when I talk about anything serious. Consider subscribing to my stuff, I promise never to bore you.

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  • Marcus Ten Low2 years ago

    You are a fine poet. Really captured some sensuous moments. Well done.

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