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I Don't Know You

Poem about learning of someone

By Rilee AreyPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
I Don't Know You
Photo by Jessica Yap on Unsplash

I Don't Know You

I don't know you,

but I want to,

You smile back to everything I say,

Look into me with your deep brown eyes,

showcasing presence, but absent,

a seeming less simplistic smile, shadowed by distance,

I cant figure you out,

I feel a dissonance between us,

but am intrigued to dissolve it,

you emote calm, cool and collected,

calculated with what you say,

an enigma of sorts,

with curious life views,

I can see a darkness in your eyes,

but a comforting kindness despite it,

your lips taste safe, and your arms envelope me,

but I don't know you,

I can feel you,

the anxiety in your movements,

your disconnect from the present,

you asking my thoughts,

because you cant feel me back,

but I don't know you,

You open up about your life,

as outlandish as some of it sounds,

you answer every question I ask,

never steering away,

but I am buying into someone,

someone, I know nothing about,

someone that is telling me about them,

without any proof this is them,

you are an enigma,

and I am curious,

but I'm buying in at face value,

Because I don't truly know you yet.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Rilee Arey

What a life we live, Lets live a life where we have something to write home about!

27-year-old trying to find meaning, love and a life worth living.

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