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His Love a Twisted Root of Deceit

Heart break

By Heidi heather Tipton Hadley 1327 <3Published 5 years ago â€ĸ 1 min read

You held me in limbo a prisoner in your game. Holding me in a place of dreams, illusions and fairytales.

Weaving spells with your words and entrancing me with your touch. Deceiving me with your eyes baring a soul that wasn't there.

You told lies building a life of sand were waves came crashing in to wash it away. You spun a life together pretending that empire would rise.

Never whispering your intentions were entwined with a love you couldn't feel and would never be able to give. Stealing time from my heart and freezing my soul.

The dreams I thought had come true were only nightmares that seemed to never end. Ripping and tearing you out from my life made me die a little at a time. You took a almost all the pieces of my heart with you.

One man the soulmate destined for me and the other a monster inside killing and destroying everything in it wake.


About the Creator

Heidi heather Tipton Hadley 1327 <3

Creativity, Art, Music, and Photography makes the years into beautiful memories, gives healing to the traumas, heart breaks, and growing pains, and provide outlets for people who can't express in words or other ways how they feel.

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