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Poetry: Self Experience

By Rilee AreyPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash


You have so much ahead,

Is what every teacher and parent said,

After you graduate,

As if it's part of your fate,

To be great,

But then why do I feel I've taken last place,

In my own race.

I finished college,

Crossed the finish line,

Something that I never thought I could do,

But at the same time,

I don't know what’s my next move!

I built a vision in my head,

That I could be anything, go anywhere

Measure up to what people had said,

I was so ready to take on the career fair.

But instead,

I followed my heart,

Versus my head,

Where I chose love instead of a new career start.

I invested in something that didn't last,

Someone who now sits in my past,

4 years of college and a gown,

Just to end up,

Jobless, broken hearted and back in my hometown.

Then you add covid to this,

Which was an accelerant,

To the end of my relationship,

In addition,

To the obliteration,

To the industry I’ve chosen.

I promise,

I'm not just sitting here loathing.

I see the gems mixed within the dirt,

A few are shining others filled with hurt,

But it's all growth,

Not always the kind I want,

Definitely not the kind I flaunt,

But it's something to show.

If your lucky,

Living is worth a lifetime,

But can be a constant configuration,

Of reinvention of interpretation,

Of trying to find,


Or how you measure your wealth.

This year has been challenging,

A lot in the world has been happening,

It makes the effort of balancing,

Almost overbearing,

Whether it's over health or mentally comparing.

The ache lasts longer,

The anger grows stronger,

Where it's easy to lose our paths,

Or to forget what one has.

So yes,

I’m a graduate,

Not making huge steps,

Not doing anything to impress,

But they’re steps,

Known as progress.

From the person in that gown,

To the who I was a few months ago,

I may not have done anything profound,

But I have grown.


About the Creator

Rilee Arey

What a life we live, Lets live a life where we have something to write home about!

27-year-old trying to find meaning, love and a life worth living.

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