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Go after your dreams

if you want to be with me

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 19 days ago 2 min read
Go after your dreams
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

In chambers of your heart, a whisper starts to rise,

A vision, faint and flickering, yet bright behind your eyes.

It beckons, calls you onward, a melody unknown,

A secret yearning whispered, a seed you've sown alone.

This, friend, is your own dream, a fire yet untamed,

A path unseen, a summit yet unclaimed.

It shimmers in the distance, a beacon in the night,

A whispered promise, bathed in future's light.

But shadows lurk and linger, doubts like whispers creep,

They paint a picture dismal, a harvest you won't reap.

"Too lofty," they will murmur, "too distant, out of reach,"

They'll point to failures past, a cautionary speech.

Don't let their voices drown you, their negativity take hold,

This dream, it burns within you, more precious than pure gold.

For dreams are life's own fuel, the embers that ignite,

The spark that sets your spirit soaring, burning ever bright.

So rise above the whispers, let courage be your guide,

Embrace the unknown journey, with each uncertain stride.

There'll be mountains to traverse, and rivers to cross deep,

But with each obstacle conquered, your resolve will never sleep.

There may be moments faltering, when doubt may cloud your way,

But hold onto that vision, let its light dispel the gray.

For dreams are fragile seedlings, needing sun and gentle rain,

Nurture them with passion, let them blossom, break the chain.

Remember, every triumph, every milestone overcome,

Began with just a whisper, a yearning yet to come.

The path may twist and turn you, but never lose your sight,

Of that distant, shimmering beacon, bathed in future's light.

Let failures be your teachers, not reasons to retreat,

Learn from every stumble, rise stronger, stand on your feet.

For every dream worth chasing requires grit and tireless soul,

A spirit that is willing, to reach for its own goal.

So go forth, dear adventurer, with passion set ablaze,

Embrace the unknown future, through laughter, sweat, and daze.

Chase your dreams relentlessly, let nothing hold you back,

For in the grand adventure, your own legend you will track.

And when you reach that summit, and the world unfolds below,

Remember the whispered promise, the seed you helped to grow.

Let the world hear your story, of courage and of might,

An inspiration burning, a beacon shining bright.

For dreams, once chased with fervor, become a guiding star,

A testament to courage, reaching ever so far.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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Comments (2)

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  • Shirley Belk18 days ago

    Loved the last few lines....exceptional

  • Andrea Corwin 19 days ago

    “Embrace the unknown journey Let your vision dispel the gray.” What a lovely poem you have created!!

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