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Girls Who Play In Galaxies

The world is never safe for a girl like me.

By Silver Serpent BooksPublished 3 years ago 1 min read

There is no place for the girls who play in the galaxies,

Dip their hands in the colorful nebulas

Stretching like pools in eyes blackened with pity.

There is no safe haven carved into the mountains,

No stream of consciousness that accepts a girl like me

Who bathes in starlight and the harsh words

Of unbridled hate never keen on changing to love


Bones that bear the weight of life and creation

Have become brittle and hollow

And now I float higher, higher, higher

Until the world fades into a pretty blue dot

I wear strapped to the metal on my finger.

A poor reminder that the remainder of oceanic dreams

And conquerable mountains have slipped away beneath the

Ungodly heat of passion.


I caught fire in my hands under the careful guidance

Of Mother Moon and the twinkling dots in the sky,

Slipped it between my teeth and laughed as radiant light

Shone through every hole that had been punched through me.

Every memory burned into flesh and bone and mind and heart.

I was a star, my confidence creating gravity,

My dreams molding hope and hardiness.


They threw me away. Tossed us to the curb or tie our ankles

To the balloons that will carry us into space and steal our breath

Right out of the gardens we've cultivated in our chests.

Hope has no pull where gravity refuses to tread

And I've been cast off with my sisters into the very nebulas

We once dreamt of visiting, tasting with our fingertips.

Now, we'll suffocate and choke to death on dim starlight,

The lesson learned from hoping this world would save a place

At the dinner for girls who play with galaxies and graveyards.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Silver Serpent Books

Writer. Interested in all the rocks people have forgotten to turn over. There are whole worlds under there, you know. Dark ones too, even better.

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