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Get Out of My Head

Twin Flame Troubles

By Sarah JanePublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Get Out of My Head
Photo by Anthony Cantin on Unsplash

I can heal with quantum physics

Manifest reality

like a command line in the computer


I can reverse curses

that plagued

my family for centuries


I can cut karmic ties

heal soul wounds

that bled for millennia


I can climb mountains

take images with my eyes

and map worlds


I can overcome every obstacle

that I've ever faced

with soul, heart, and hands


But I can't get you out of my head


Leave me in peace

You said you don't want me

So why are you still lingering?


Wrap yourself

in the arms of

my second string


and let me go


Soul connections



When you're the one

who's aware of it's

energetic tolls


Of how your sadness

creeps up on me

from miles away

without warning


A moment ago

I was happy and free

Cleansed of all the karma

between you and me


until you popped in

with your own

unresolved karma

once again


Now I'm helping

process your pain

And you aren't

even aware

of all the prayers

I had to say

in your name


I've let go

but you're still holding on

with despair


I feel it

and I wish

it wasn't there


You've hurt me long enough

leaving me in 3-D

so cut the chords

make it real

leave me



Let me go

get out of my head

The space I gave

generously before

is the space you

left decrepit


I've renovated it

but that doesn't give

you room to waltz right in


Your lingering spirit

does not honor my value

with your love misspent

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Sarah Jane

Writing has been Sarah's passion since she was 7 years-old when she began writing poetry and short stories. Now, she's sharing her gift with the world. Subscribe, and come take a whirl in her words.

Tips are appreciated!

IG: @sarahjane.speaks

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