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Free Fallin

Unhand Me !

By LAKESHIA BRIMLEYPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 2 min read
Nine Ether Being

I went back into time 11/16/2016 . I thought I could stop you from signing on that dotted line . If I knew then what I know now , ain’t no way I’d marry such a biggest a liar an adulterer and man of lust and crime . I went back into time to stop myself for crossing the line . For being so damn blind I wish I could have just opened my eyes . I said yes , and signed over my soul . Back then I didn’t realize it but now I’m committed to changing what was to soon unfold . I went to sleep and in my dreams I could do it all again . Trapped in a maze feeling so dazed I was only repeating the same thing over and over again. I went back into time but this time I brought some things with me . A backbone ! Strength and kick ass confidence to slay a dragon I once was in love with . I saw the fear in it before I embraced the lion in me . Once timid scared and cut off from all that I once vowed to believe . I went back into time and not only did I slay a dragon but I also took back what was mines hers his and theirs . Collecting the remnants left from the hearts of earth angels stuck in darkness and despair . Time traveling , or should I say lucid dreaming for the seemingly asleep, I cut the cord and saved us all from abyss far far in the hearts of the weak . Can I live ? Can I live for me ? Can I do all the things that allows me to be free ? What you thought you took from me I was granted back times ten in a dream . Free falling from all failures placed at my feet . The attempt to derail me when you decided to marry me . Oh please ! Spare me the embarrassment of agony with you narcissism. I’d rather drink bleach ! Cause I’ve ingested poison since the day of my creation . What’s a little more from the person I’ve been so willingly chasing ? Can I live and I mean really live , like I would like to . Without asking or having to intake a mouthful . I don’t want to have to ask twice , you are not my creator . I will live free fallin and I won’t ask for your permission later . Grabbing this wild boar by the horns and taking her fat ass for a ride . Free Fallin and I’m going to enjoy this side . Free Fallin to my victory naysayers just watch and forever be mesmerized. I changed the narrative I took back the glory , I’ve become the author of a once boring ass story . I time traveled I closed the door . I looked my mistakes in the face and told them NO MORE . I’m freeeeee and no more Fallin , no more failing. No more betrayal no more ailing. I’m free falling and falling I shall no more !

surreal poetryperformance poetryinspirationalheartbreak

About the Creator


Ask me what I believe in I’ll tell you it’s beyond eyes limit to see . Show me a rose and I’ll tell you about the hidden concrete . I am a beacon of light for the world to see . So giving you just a small description would not justify me .

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