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Fragments of Broken Heart

Stitching Together Resilience Amid Love's Ruins

By MantashaPublished 9 months ago 2 min read
Fragments of Broken Heart
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In the shadows of a love now torn,

Lie fragments of a heart, once whole and warm.

A symphony of whispers, echoes of the past,

In the brokenness, a tale forever cast.

Each shard a memory, a piece of what was,

A mosaic of emotions, tangled in the buzz.

A touch, a laugh, a stolen kiss,

Now fragments of a world we dearly miss.

The morning sun no longer shines as bright,

Its rays caught in the fragments of the night.

A puzzle of emotions scattered on the floor,

Love's masterpiece now shattered, evermore.

The whispered promises, like leaves now sere,

Crumbled to dust, whispered away by the wind's sheer.

The laughter that danced in the spaces between,

Now echoes in the emptiness, an unheard scene.

A broken heart's canvas, painted in hues,

Of tears and sorrow, yet a spark still refuses.

Refuses to succumb to the darkness that reigns,

For even in fragments, a resilient heart gains.

Amid the wreckage of what once was love,

A phoenix rises, wings spread above.

To mend and heal, to gather the remains,

To find strength in the scars, to break love's chains.

In the fragments of a broken heart's cry,

Resides the courage to say goodbye.

To rewrite the story, to find a new start,

To piece together anew, each fragment of the heart.

As time stitches wounds, slowly it heals,

From the shards emerges what life reveals.

A heart more robust, though marked by the pain,

In the fragments, a chance to love again.

So gather the pieces, though jagged they seem,

For in them resides a chance to dream.

Dream of a future that shines like the dawn,

Where the fragments of a broken heart are reborn.

And when the day comes, as it surely will,

To let go of the pain, to mend and distill,

Know that each fragment holds a piece of your soul,

A testament to your strength, a story to extol.

In the fragments of a broken heart's embrace,

Lies the potential for a newfound grace.

For from the ashes of love's demise,

A phoenix emerges, ready to rise.

sad poetryheartbreak

About the Creator


Sharing little bit about myself, why I'm passionate about storytelling. Life has way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, I've found myself navigating unique financial situation that encouraged me to explore my love for writing.

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