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"Forgotten Dreams, Unseen Struggles"

In shadows cast by the city's glare, A homeless boy with unkempt hair, His weary eyes, a spark once bright, Now dimmed by life's relentless fight.

By AHSANPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
"Forgotten Dreams, Unseen Struggles"
Photo by Anthony Fomin on Unsplash

In shadows cast by the city's glare,

A homeless boy with unkempt hair,

His weary eyes, a spark once bright,

Now dimmed by life's relentless fight.

On cold, hard pavements, he finds his rest,

Aching bones against the concrete pressed,

His tattered clothes, a shield so thin,

Against the biting chill that seeps within.

He wanders the streets, an invisible soul,

A haunting presence, yet unnoticed by all,

His dreams suffocated by despair's embrace,

A world unkind, where hope has lost its trace.

With each passing day, hunger gnaws his core,

As he seeks solace from the world's closed door,

He begs for mercy with outstretched hands,

A silent plea for kindness in distant lands.

In those young eyes, a story untold,

Of shattered dreams and promises cold,

A childhood robbed, innocence stolen,

In the relentless battle of life, he's fallen.

But amidst the shadows that cloak his strife,

There's a flicker of strength, a resilient life,

For deep within, his spirit's flame still burns,

A testament to the resilience he yearns.

Let's not forget this forgotten child,

Lost in a world so harsh and wild,

Extend a hand, offer compassion's touch,

Restore his hope, and let his dreams clutch.

For he's more than the labels that define,

He's a soul, a story, waiting to shine,

In our collective quest for a better way,

Let's weave compassion into every day.

So, let us see the homeless boy,

Not as a burden, but with hearts employed,

To bring warmth, love, and lasting change,

To heal the world, where no child estranged.


About the Creator


Embark on wild jungle tales, where nature thrives and adventure calls. Explore the untamed wonders, vividly woven through my stories. #JungleLife #Storyteller

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