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Falling Autumns Arrival

The poem describes how the world transforms as the leaves change color and fall from the trees, creating a palette of red, yellow, and golden hues.

By Temoor DarPublished 4 months ago 1 min read
Falling Autumn: Source: Flickr

As the autumn's arrival takes hold, The world transforms, with colors bold, A palette of reds, yellows, and gold, That shine like gems, in the world so cold.

The fields lay bare, of summer's crop, And farmers work, with hands that don't stop, They gather harvest, and store it atop, For winter's long nights, that are sure to drop.

The air grows crisp, with a hint of frost, And animals prepare, for the cold embossed, The birds take flight, to the warmer coast, And the world around, prepares to accost.

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."

— American author and philosopher: Albert Camus

But in the midst of autumn's wane, We find a realm, that's not all in vain, A world that's filled with love and gain, neither chained nor free from summer's pain.

For in the autumn's golden hold, We find a planet, that's brave and bold, Natures wonder, that's free from mold, A world of change, that's worth its gold.

So let us embrace the autumn's call, And cherish its beauty, both big and small, For in its grasp, we'll find a place, of love and peace, and a domain of endless grace.

surreal poetryinspirationalHolidayGratitude

About the Creator

Temoor Dar

💡Topic: Entrepreneur and Writer💡

♟️Hobbies: Traveling, Poems, Playing Chess and Solving Puzzles♟️

🎂Born: July 7, 1991🎂

📍Born in Stockholm, Sweden, and now a Londoner since 1996📍

📚Lifelong Learner📚

🌟Wisdom from Mentors🌟

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  • Toby Heward4 months ago

    Great imagery

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