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Eternal Love

A Symphony of Hearts

By Allan NjarumiPublished 10 months ago 1 min read

In the garden of our hearts, love blooms,

A tapestry woven, a symphony of sweet tunes.

A dance of souls, in the moon's soft glow,

Through life's highs and lows, we grow.

Underneath the stars, hand in hand,

Two souls united, as if planned.

Each glance, a promise, a gentle touch,

In this love, we find a love so much.

Through the seasons, we weather the storm,

Wrapped in love's shelter, we keep each other warm.

In laughter and tears, we share our fears,

With every passing day, our bond perseveres.

A love story etched in the sands of time,

A rhythm that flows like a perfect rhyme.

Side by side, facing the unknown,

With you, my love, I'll never be alone.

Through the valleys and over the peaks,

In the language of love, no need for speech.

Moments we cherish, memories we create,

In this love, our destinies entwined, our fate.

As the sun kisses the horizon, day by day,

Our love shines brighter in every way.

In your arms, I've found my home,

With you, my love, I'll never roam.

love poems

About the Creator

Allan Njarumi

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