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"Eternal Embrace: A Mother's Love Unfolds"

"A Symphony of Nurturing Devotion and Unconditional Care"

By Literary fusionPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

In the gentle cradle of a mother's embrace,

A bond of love and tenderness takes its place,

With every touch and soothing lullaby,

A mother's heart sings a melody nearby.

She cradles her child with warmth and delight,

Nurturing their dreams from morning to night,

With gentle whispers, she brushes away tears,

Turning moments of sadness into joyous cheers.

In her arms, a haven of safety and peace,

Where worries and fears find their sweet release,

She kisses away the pain, mends every bruise,

With love as her balm, she heals and renews.

Through sleepless nights and weary days,

A mother's devotion never sways,

She sacrifices selflessly, with unwavering grace,

Guiding her child through life's boundless maze.

Her touch, a gentle caress upon their brow,

Guiding them forward, showing them how,

To navigate a world both gentle and wild,

A compass of love, her unwavering child.

In her eyes, a reflection of unconditional love,

A sanctuary where blessings from above,

Descend upon a child's tender soul,

Nurturing their spirit, making them whole.

She celebrates their triumphs, big and small,

Lifting them higher, standing tall,

Her love, a beacon that will forever guide,

A mother's embrace, an eternal tide.

So let us cherish the bond that they share,

A mother's love, beyond compare,

For in her embrace, a world is reborn,

A testament to love, forever sworn.

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About the Creator

Literary fusion

Welcome to literary fusion where art and literature intertwine to create a vibrant tapestry. I am [Abdullah Shabir], an artist and writer exploring self-expression through colors and carefully chosen words.

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