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Essence of Love

Beyond Lust's Shadow

By YashuPublished about a month ago 1 min read

In twilight's tender cradle, love's hue unfurls,

Beyond mere murmurs, beyond fleeting whirls.

True affection, a lighthouse, a guiding gleam,

In its depths, transcending mere dream.

In passion's waltz, where ardor may roam,

True devotion finds haven, it finds its home.

Not in transient flames that swiftly vanish,

But in an enduring blaze that forever banish.

For desire, a tempest, a storm's wild flight,

But genuine affection, a river, a constant delight.

Where yearning may diminish like stars at dawn,

True allegiance endures, eternally drawn.

In desire's allure, the senses may sway,

But true fondness, a symphony that will stay.

It resonates in the depths of heart and soul,

A harmonious trust that makes us whole.

In true fondness's sanctuary, blooms of grace,

In desire's embrace, a transient chase.

For love is patient, love is kind,

It's in the essence, forever intertwined.

So let us pursue not just the flicker,

But the radiance that dispels the gloom thicker.

For in true devotion's embrace, we find,

A love that endures, rare and refined.

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