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The cheddar breeds jealousy especially if they're messed up

By savage writerPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

Legends never die, we just multiply

and become immortalized

I would say king, but

you can call me a deity

By now, the shift has taken place

If you’re stuck, then you’re

just going to be stuck

Not my problem

By now, you must choose a side

If not, it’ll happen naturally

Don’t blame me for

your insignificance

I don’t want 2 listen to that

nonsense, tell Marian this

Wanted me to leave

Berkeley and come to Kean

I did

Graduated from Berkeley

Now at Kean, without your assistance

It was the plan all along, you see

Ain’t get that radio

opportunity for WKNJ

I wasn’t too mad because a

better one is on the horizon

Universe will make it

happen one way or another

I can remember when QXT’s

shut that door in front of my face

Look at me now, I’m all over

Newark spitting words of wisdom

You gotta hit up Sean Battle

and Jasmine Mans for answers

If one person doesn’t

want to hear it, then

someone else will

Just saying, don’t feel

sap once you realize

you’ve missed out on

something legendary

Someday, savage writer

will become somebody

Though he already is, why do

you delusional fools

keep on saying that’s not the case

I know what ya’ll

are thinking, allow me

to rephrase your statements

Who does Khali think

he is, that clown

acting like he’s better

than someone now?

He’s from the ghetto just

like us, same hood and everything

He used to be a depressed

ass kid back in school

Wore a dingy hoodie around,

grumbling under his breath

Writing those angry ass

novels loathing himself

Lathering in repugnancy like its

soap from Bed, Bath & Beyond

No friends sat with him at the lunch

table and none of the girls

didn’t wanna talk to him

That boy no savage, he’s just stunting

for them Whites and Hispanics

Wooing those Asians from Wenzhou

Front row at the Video Music Awards?

How much did he pay for the tickets?

He wrote for Obama?

Whose behind did he have to kiss

for that opportunity?

Damn, he has two

college degrees now?


I call HACKS!

Man, if ya’ll envious selves

don’t shut up already

It was just yesterday this

system had me a laborer

Popped those chains and

they see my real powers

Oh damn, they’re getting afraid

Plebeians shaking in their boots

Half of these scrooges

hiding behind keyboards

become shook once they walk

past me in the MSC Patio

They know Khali ain’t with the foolery

If you’d like, I’ll pull out those

disses from the vault

You or him better not say another

disparaging word to me,

it’ll serve you right

I got enough dirt on you

to create a burial site

Annie, ahem

Chelsey, ahem


Are you okay?

You’ve been hit

by a smooth criminal

Please tell us that you’re okay


I still like you!


performance poetry

About the Creator

savage writer


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