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Embracing the Bittersweet Symphony of Relationships

Learning, Healing, and Growing

By Jansen ChangPublished 9 months ago 2 min read

I know it hurts.

It’s a very strange feeling how someone can be in your life for months or even years and then one day ... all of a sudden not be there anymore.

Maybe the relationship ended on good terms.... or maybe it was completely catastrophic.

Either way .... it’s so bizarre how relationships can change so vast and rapidly.

And you know what .... you may not be at peace with what happened between the two of you ... and thats perfectly fine.

Sometimes the end of a relationship can literally be one of the hardest things we go through in life.

I want you to know it’s okay that your heart still hurts because of what happened.

You have made alot of memories with this person.

And these memories that you have made is something you can’t erase no matter how hard you try.

Whether you like it or not, they are a part of your story.

I know looking on these memories can be hard, and you may wish you could forget them.

But instead of forgetting, maybe we should try to focus on what came from the relationship.

You two joined paths for a particular reason.

Maybe you walked through some of the hardest times together.

Maybe you understood each other in a way no one else ever did.

Maybe you encouraged one another to be strong or to embrace who you genuinely were as a person.

Or maybe your relationship with them opened your eyes to what you truly needed in your life.

Regardless of what the reasoning was, it’s okay to acknowledge that .... that person meant a lot to you.

And it's okay if they still do.

It’s also okay that they aren’t in your life anymore.

What alot of people dont understand is, not every relationship we encounter will last a lifetime.

You shouldn't be lingering in the past questioning why everything happened the way it did.

What you need to do .... is to take what you've learned from that relationship and move forward in your life.


About the Creator

Jansen Chang

A freelancer ,dedicated to establish self business,and help others to grab the chance of times.I will share some new thoughts and discoveries here.

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  • C.S LEWIS9 months ago

    so amazing what are you waiting for can you join the group of my friends read the nice story that I have prepared for you have prepared for you

  • Manisha Dhalani9 months ago

    Very realistic poem, Jansen. I sense the practicality of heartbreak in this.

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