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Elegy of Solitude

Leaving behind what the soul eclipses.

By Eduarda RodriguesPublished 5 months ago 1 min read

In the shadows of the night, in a melancholy tune,

Resounds the elegy of somber solitude.

A gentle lament, like a sigh's echo,

In somber verses, I weave my martyrdom.

Alone, I wander through empty corridors,

The echo of footsteps, murmuring coldly.

The moon, a silent witness to my fate,

Reflects loneliness in a desolate sky.

Shadows dance around my being,

A solemn ballet, the dance of my suffering.

Silence is my confidant, my friend,

In the abyss of solitude, I lose myself.

On the walls, echoes of the past resound,

Sombre memories, entwined in every corner.

Tears fall, silent as the night,

Watering sadness, like a whipless flower.

Oh, solitude, cruel companion of the journey,

In verses, I weave the pain of the abandoned soul.

In the garden of longing, absences flourish,

And in the elegy of solitude, I reveal my needs.

But in every verse, there's a subtle light,

A fragile hope, a feverish dream.

For in solitude, we find the strength,

To transform sadness into a sweet dawn.

Thus, in the dark night, with the quill in hand,

I write the elegy of solitude in tones.

A lament that rises like a chant,

In the search for light, in the eternal labyrinth.

May solitude, in the end, be a bridge,

To a destination where the soul reunites.

And may the elegy, like the wind, dissipate,

Leaving behind what the soul eclipses.

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About the Creator

Eduarda Rodrigues

Hello, I am 20 years old. I really enjoy writing stories, poems, and giving advice!

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    This was very poignant! Loved your poem!

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