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Whispers of Love Across the Veil.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 4 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Ali Burak Subaşı on Unsplash

In the quiet of the morning, when shadows still linger,
The world seems to hold its breath, waiting,
For in this hush, we remember the departed souls,
Whose whispers echo in the chambers of our hearts.

They are the stars that no longer shine,
Yet their light lingers, a gentle glow,
Guiding us through the darkness, reminding us,
Of lives lived, of stories told, of love given.

Each soul a tapestry, woven with threads of joy and sorrow,
A mosaic of moments, of laughter and tears,
Their absence a silence, a void,
Yet their presence felt in every beat of our hearts.

We walk the paths they once walked,
Our footsteps an echo of their own,
Their voices a murmur in the wind,
A song of remembrance, a hymn of love.

In the rustle of leaves, in the whisper of the breeze,
We hear their voices, soft and clear,
A symphony of memories, a chorus of the past,
A testament to lives that touched our own.

The sun rises, casting its golden light,
A reminder that life continues, that the world turns,
Yet in our hearts, a shadow remains,
A space where the departed souls reside.

They are the faces in the photographs,
The names carved in stone,
A reminder of mortality, of the fragility of life,
A call to cherish each moment, each breath.

In the silence of the night, when stars adorn the sky,
We gaze upward, seeking their light,
Their presence a comfort, a guiding star,
A reminder that they are never truly gone.

We speak their names in hushed tones,
Each syllable a prayer, a wish,
That they have found peace, that they are at rest,
That their journey, though ended here, continues beyond.

In the blooming of flowers, in the song of birds,
We see their reflection, hear their melody,
Nature a canvas, a backdrop,
For the elegy of the departed souls.

The earth cradles their remains,
Yet their spirit soars, free and unbound,
They are the wind that caresses our cheeks,
The rain that nourishes the land.

In the gatherings of family, of friends,
We share stories, we laugh, we cry,
Each memory a tribute, a celebration,
Of lives that were, of souls that are.

The departed souls are the echoes in the empty rooms,
The scent of their presence lingering in the air,
Their touch a phantom caress,
A reminder of the love that remains.

We light candles in their honor,
Each flame a beacon, a light,
Guiding their way, illuminating our hearts,
A symbol of remembrance, of undying love.

In dreams they visit, a fleeting glimpse,
A touch, a word, a smile,
Their presence a balm, a comfort,
A reminder that love transcends death.

The seasons change, the world moves on,
Yet in our hearts, they remain,
A part of us, a part of everything,
The departed souls, forever entwined with our own.

We build monuments, we plant trees,
We write their names in the annals of time,
Each act a testament, a legacy,
Of lives that mattered, of souls that shone.

In the laughter of children, in the wisdom of elders,
We see their influence, their touch,
Their spirit a thread in the fabric of life,
A reminder of the cycle, of the continuity.

The departed souls are the tears we shed,
The smiles we share, the memories we hold,
They are the past, the present, the future,
A part of the eternal, the infinite.

In the quiet moments, in the stillness,
We feel their presence, their warmth,
A whisper, a touch, a feeling,
That they are near, that they are here.

We sing songs of remembrance, of love,
Each note a tribute, a praise,
To the departed souls, the ones who have gone before,
The ones who light our way.

The journey of life is fraught with loss,
Yet in that loss, we find strength,
In the memories of the departed souls,
We find a beacon, a guide.

They are the shadows that dance in the light,
The whispers in the wind,
The stars that adorn the night sky,
The departed souls, forever a part of us.

We walk this earth with their memory,
A burden, a gift, a treasure,
Each step a tribute, each breath a song,
An elegy for the departed souls.

In the beauty of the sunrise, in the calm of the sunset,
We find their presence, their peace,
Their journey, though ended here,
Continues in the hearts of those who remember.

The departed souls are the light in the darkness,
The hope in the sorrow,
The love that remains,
An elegy, a tribute, a song.

In the laughter of the living, in the tears of the grieving,
They find their place, their rest,
Their memory a balm, a comfort,
A reminder of the eternal, the infinite.

We speak their names, we tell their stories,
Each word a prayer, a wish,
That they are at peace, that they are free,
The departed souls, forever remembered.

The cycle of life continues, unending,
Yet in our hearts, they remain,
A part of us, a part of everything,
An elegy for the departed soul

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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