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Don't you write some poetry

A comedic poem for open mic night

By Jerald WegehenkelPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 2 min read

Hi, my name is Jay

I have a wife, two kids, and I work in a travel agency.

One day, My friends said Jay, are ya busy?

I said, I have a wife an exwife and two kids and six cats and full time job so yeah, I am pretty busy

So they said, Anyway,

Why don’t you write some poetry?

So I said. OK

But what poetry is there to write

When the only poem I ever liked

Was about a bear who wanted soap

But he died in like , the eighth line

So thats a big nope

I don’t want to follow the trope

Of angst and anger of a world of pain

And broken hearts driving souls insane

From world weary folk who fear to love again


There are plenty of poets shining light on the machine

Exposing through prose the worst traits of humanity

Reminding us all that nothing is free

And the lies on the TV divorce our minds from reality


That is not, too me

Enjoyment you see

I wouldn’t want a legacy

Of bringing the world down with sad face emoji


It has been said, you reap what you sow

And so I know, the seeds that I throw

Must be seeds of life and joy

A spark of happiness for they and them and girl and boy

Like giving out a brand new toy

And whatever else rhymes with oy

Well it doesn’t matter anywoy

I will tell some jokes, both short and long

Maybe even rhyme them like a song

Perhaps I’ll write them down as well

Hmm, I guess I’ll need to learn to spell

So, That is how I’ll make my way,

With corny jokes by night and day

Limericks, knock knocks, puns, hey hey

I know that it may seem passe

But that is how I want to play

And when I’m on my deathbed cold and gray

My gathered friends will say

Bro, You worked in a travel agency

But you didn’t make any jokes about traveling

And I will respond, Hi, my name is Jay

And I don’t know Anything about basketball

performance poetry

About the Creator

Jerald Wegehenkel

Part time writer, full time weirdo. I focus on short works of fantasy and fiction, and dabble in a bit of poetry.

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