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Dishonest Backstabber: Betrayal's Cruel Dance in Time's Grasp

Deception Unveiled: The Paradoxical Unraveling of Swift Betrayal

By Sonia khan Published about a year ago 2 min read

Dishonest Backstabber: Betrayal's Cruel Dance in Time's Grasp
Photo by Kris DeBruine on Unsplash

In the depths of the forest, a heart did roam,

Seeking solace and healing, yearning for home.

Echoes whispered through the ancient trees,

A symphony of nature, a gentle breeze.

A heart fragmented, shattered into pieces,

In search of wholeness, where pain decreases.

Each beat echoed like a distant plea,

Longing for unity, longing to be free.

Scavenging for fragments, scattered and lost,

Amidst the wilderness, a daunting cost.

Lub-dub... lub-dub... lub-dub... it cried,

Seeking reunion, a love that won't hide.

With determination, she ventured through,

Unwavering spirit, her purpose in view.

Inklings of hope guided her along,

As she pieced together what once was strong.

Slowly, steadily, she discovered each part,

Embracing them tenderly, a balm to her heart.

With tears and resilience, she mended her soul,

Finding strength within, to once again feel whole.

The journey was arduous, the puzzle complex,

But she persisted, defying all hex.

Nine years passed, scars turned to grace,

Transforming darkness into a radiant embrace.

Then came a sailor, a stranger unbidden,

Promising magic, a love yet hidden.

In the depths of his eyes, she saw a gleam,

A glimmer of hope, a chance for a dream.

She ventured far, leaving the forest behind,

Trusting the sailor, despite doubts in her mind.

Yet as time unraveled, reality unveiled,

His words were deceit, his intentions curtailed.

In a moment of betrayal, swift and profound,

He tied her to an anchor, sinking her down.

Her soul detached, witnessing her own fall,

A heart once mended, now haunted by a thrall.

But echoes of the forest whispered in her ear,

A reminder of strength, dispelling all fear.

She vowed to haunt him, her spirit untamed,

A curse on his existence, forever to be claimed.

Dishonest backstabber, his treachery exposed,

His punishment eternal, in darkness imposed.

For the heart that seeks wholeness will never be swayed,

By deceit or betrayal, it shall rise unafraid.

In the echoes of the forest, her story resounds,

A testament to resilience, where hope abounds.

A heart's quest for wholeness, through trials it wends,

Emerging from shadows, a spirit that transcends.


About the Creator

Sonia khan

As a story writer, I am passionate about crafting compelling narratives that transport readers to new and exciting worlds. With a keen eye for detail and a vivid imagination,, I am driven by a deep love for storytelling.

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