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Dear Me,

A letter to myself.

By Marley Published about a year ago 1 min read

Dear Marley,

Why do you lay awake at night letting your thoughts consume you? I am so sorry you were never shown the proper way to love and be loved. You’ve accepted the bare minimum from those you would’ve given your life for. I always admired the way you care for others but I’m so confused as to why you’ve struggled with caring for yourself and your mental health. I know sometimes you feel like your drowning especially when you think of mom and dad but they would never understand why you had to leave as much as you want them to. It’s okay to feel stuck sometimes, the world keeps going and so shall you. I wish you knew how beautiful you truly are, stop comparing yourself to girls you’ve only seen on a screen. Do you remember that little 6 year old Marley, who never cut her hair because it had “special magic” she feels every word you say about her. Wasn’t she beautiful to you? Wasn’t she worth fighting for? One day you will sleep at night and you won’t despise waking up in the morning. One day you’ll feel the warmth of someone’s love being returned the way you deserve. One day you will love being YOU. And believe me when I say I’ll be with you the whole way. You will have tough days but you’ll have some really good ones too. Just don’t give up okay? You are loved and wanted. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Wipe those tears, lift that chin and strut your shit girl. It ain’t Friday yet, we got shit to do. You got this. I love you.


6 year old Marley.

p.s. our hair does have magic! It’s working on fixing your heart.


About the Creator


not sure if I’m very good at it but I know I love it and that’s all that matters.

please know you are welcomed to interact with me and give honest feedback.

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  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    Beautiful letter to self 🥰👌

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