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Homeless light.

light in the dark.

By Marley Published about a year ago 2 min read

My parents did their best. They did all they could with what they had. Even with them both working 2 jobs, we couldn’t make ends meet. I was 7 when we had to stay in a homeless shelter. I was afraid, how was I to know sleeping on gym mats with a bunch of strangers in a homeless shelter wasn’t normal? There was this older lady who had a mat right next to us. She wouldn’t ever really talk much she would just sing songs to herself. I remember the first song I heard her sing “Put your head on my shoulders, hold me in your arms, baby.” That was my first introduction to Paul Anka. Every night was the same songs in the same order, Put your head on my shoulders, Hold me til morning comes, Puppy love and I don’t like to sleep alone. I never knew what kind of seed that would plant in me, but it was grown such a love for older music when songs were slow and gentle and about love.

I think I’m the only one my age who listens to Paul Anka, Frank Sinatra and Etta James etc. It’s music that comforts me when I feel lonely and it helped me choose a career path. I’m a private care giver, I love working with the elderly. I never grew up with grandparents so the line of work I chose has such a huge impact on me and I love even more so to almost always know the songs they love. I have sang countless songs to my hospice patients and as much as it breaks me each time it also gives me peace knowing I could comfort them in there final moments.

I work in a city that’s known for being majority populated by the elderly, almost all the HOAs are private for 55+. I have found more comfort in the older generation than my own. Frank Sinatra has passed by I have made it my dream to meet Paul Anka before he leaves this earth onto his next universal journey.

That lady in the homeless shelter altered the course of my life and she didn’t even intend to. She wasn’t even singing to me, she sang to comfort herself but she ended up comforting the both of us. She made me want to ensure no elderly ever had to endure sleeping on a cold gym mat with a bunch of strangers. If only I could go back in time and ask her, her name and tell her how much she helped me not be afraid.

I’d be lying if I said that lady didn’t save my life at 7 years old. I wasn’t even old enough to know I needed saving, but I am now. I’m convinced she was my guardian Angel. It may seem odd but my message to her, which I’m sure she has passed on. I love you, your voice gave me warmth and you have always been apart of me, I hope we meet again at heavens gates.


About the Creator


not sure if I’m very good at it but I know I love it and that’s all that matters.

please know you are welcomed to interact with me and give honest feedback.

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  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    This would be a great story for the Passing ship challenge. Subscribe

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