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Dear Marijuana

Hello Me

By Charelle LandersPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read

Dear Marijuana,

The calmness of the fortress a plant so deeply inspired,

So widely desired, humbling, calming motionless,

has now entered the expiring of my euphoric reaction,

I’ve made plans to say goodbye to this fatal attraction.

To reap a final harvest I wouldn’t do that if I tried. Because holding on to you has left my mind in idle-wild,

For you keep me from touching my feminine desires,

A comfort of the impeccable seed planted in a wound,

yet so petrifying for me to began fulfilling my needs.

A self loathing disease, an era in which I’ll soon forget,

but first I wanted to start off by saying that I forgive,

I forgive me for thinking that I needed you,

depending solely on you for a solution when my soul was blue,

although the strains of your hybrid nature kept me alive like a blue dream,

or a weeding cake, the indica, oftentimes were the reason I chose to infatuate,

the mysterious effects of your sides,

rolling you up in wraps, and cigars that was two for a dollar to buy.

The grass isn’t greener no matter, no matter how much you stuff inside,

how pure you seem to be just a seemingly less catastrophic feeling of greed.

You caused me pain where I didn’t need although to you it sensed harmony,

and relaxations filled me carnally.

The carbs of sweets just as tasteful as cherry pie,

but the apple fitters that sat inside my mind,

gave me a design that had me paranoid about the time.

You left me still and at times I couldn’t see that the only medication I needed was me.

The ex factor is generated yet gentrified from this emancipation,

I now set you free.

No wait, you set me free I give up the weed, this is our final goodbye,

and I do somehow wish to forget our final hello,

you met me at a time I couldn’t breech,

was my best friend when I didn’t know me.

I couldn’t reach where I felt pressure and anxiety.

So I looked for you to fulfill my needs.

A need that was met by the angles in which I now see,

rolling a spliff but never finishing it, setting you in an ashtray just to face your remembrance.

I couldn’t face you although your smell was like of the sweetest perfume.

I take full responsibility for my weakness that was once depending on you.

You claimed so many of my brain stems that I forgot to throw away some stems,

but yet the feeling of knowing the comfort of flowing,

the floating design by the weaker version of the girl who is now trying.

I say this to you in meekness,

thank you for all that you’ve failed to do so many things that you were going to do.

You was suppose to numb me and not make me feel,

you were suppose to boost my confidence because where I am from smoking weed is real.

You were suppose to bring me a gateway to friends,

because you said if I smoke you then everybody will.

Thank you for all that you’ve never knew thank you for making my world more blue.

As the sky darkens I can whistle up this whisper,

I’ve finally let you go I say this without a stencil.

I’ve written out my wrongs without using a pencil.

This pen makes it permanent,

I permanently exhale you.

No inhalation, no incubation, the baton has been passed to something greater.

I’ve finally seen that you were my biggest hater.

My greatest defeat,

oh now so how I’ve conquered me.

Thank you once again for everything,

Goodbye to you I say with peace, clear mind, sound body,

and of anything that’s conscientious to like my mind flow free from your entire entree.

I now let sobriety lead without my conscience skipping.

Goodbye Mary Jane!

You were one of the baddest bitches.

Hard to believe that freeing myself from you,

helped me understand my tree,

Retorted without the sour curse or the kush,

no moon rocks, but,

walking in deep thoughts that my consciousness had already read,

before the seeds of clout tried to power a Queen.

Sincerely, Sober sombres.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Charelle Landers

Published author, (A Serious of Unfortunate Events, pen name Jessica Wright) and mother to six wonderful children. I find that writing is a healing passion of purpose and the ultimate pursuit to happiness.

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