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Can Curiosity overcome Peace, for this being it did.

By Alicia AnspaughPublished about a year ago 2 min read

I found myself cruising through the expanse between the stars

Darkness all around me, save for the shining points in the distance

It felt as if I had always been here, natural, my real life viewed from afar

I turned to either side of me to see filmy, sapphire wings spread wide

Gliding and turning , testing my agility, feeling starlight touch a crown of fins about my head

I am whole, I am true, I am me but not

Joy & belonging my companions for this ride

I am peaceful, I am content, needing nothing, wanting nothing

As I sped along , the starlight warm on my skin, strange worlds filled my sight

I will pass these as I had the stars and nebula before, Then.. a strange sense of something

A feeling from one of those strange worlds with strange tiny people dancing upon it

It was an odd sensation, hard to put into words

It drew me from my place in the dark, and down I went , Down.. Down onto their world

Those who see me, want something from me, I listen and sit

They want me to stay, they want to know me

I have all I could want out amongst the stars, why would I stay

I am whole, I am content, I am at peace

How could they ask me to stay, and why am I considering it

I am majestic, the stars are my home, why could this be

The genuine invitation in their eyes calls to me, and I decide

The stars will still be there, I can always resume my journey another day

I wish to know these people, I stay on this strange world with the tiny people

Time passes and I watch as the days turn to years, and still I stay by their side

I wake from my dream, my life coming back to me in a rush

Why did I choose to stay, why did I leave the stars

I feel my heart sink and my contentment fall away

The feelings claw at me, but the fading dream lingers on, I tell my heart to shush

Why did I stay

Perhaps for the same reason that I came


And the knowledge that I will return home another day

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Alicia Anspaugh

Hello! I primarily paint & write non fiction, but I love writing the stories that dance around in my head. Thank you for reading!

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