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Contours of Creation

A Tapestry of Nature's Essence

By Una SavagePublished about a month ago 1 min read
Veiled whispers, dawn’s embrace.”

A canvas of silence blankets the valley,

Mist clings to the hollows, a ghostly ally.

Sunlight pierces through with golden spears,

Chasing the shadows, unveiling the years.

The river, a mirror, reflects the azure sky,

Mountains stand sentinels, ancient and high.

Leaves whisper secrets in a rustling dance,

Nature's own symphony, born of chance.

A hawk circles above, a silent commander,

Wings slicing the air, a solitary wanderer.

The scent of pine, earthy and deep,

Fills the lungs with promises to keep.

In the distance, a lone tree stands defiant,

Roots gripping the earth, timeless and reliant.

The horizon stretches, an endless thread,

Weaving tales of the living and the dead.

surreal poetrynature poetry

About the Creator

Una Savage

I'm Una Savage. I love reading and writing, and I enjoy traveling. Most importantly, I'm the mother of an autistic child which is both challenging and rewarding, and it has taught me a great deal about life and myself.

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