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Colorfully Unique

Feelings of Me

By Catalina RodriguezPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Colorfully Unique,

I am all of them,

And they are all of me.


Is the thrill I get when I stand up to a Bully,

Maybe I will end up getting hit or maybe they will go away and I win.

It’s like an adventure I go into in DND,

We’re fighting a white dragon while almost completely down in health,

But we still are going to try to win.

It’s the impulse of me buying clothes for cosplays,

But barely ever cosplaying and having so many clothes that I don't know what to do with.


Is making my friends laugh with my weird but adult jokes.

It’s making friends with lots of people in high school,

And then wanting to go out and talk to those friends after high school,

But social anxiety kicks in when I want to be social so I don’t.

It’s nurturing my animals with love and caring for them.

It’s enjoying those deep conversations I have with the people I love,

And making them feel better while getting closer to them.


Is me being adventurous and planning to go places after the Pandemic is over,

Cali, Florida, Chicago, and more.

It is me having an infectious smile,

People find me to be a positive person at times,

Sometimes i am just good at faking a smile.

It’s me meeting someone and making them smile,

Because of the energy I give off when meeting someone new.

It’s me being positive on the outside,

But burning up on the inside.


Is people being able to depend on me.

It’s me being trustworthy with everyone I interact with,

Because I have experience with others being untrustworthy with me,

It is not fun to have someone untrustworthy.

It’s me being gentle and compassionate to people,

Having respect for people who have gone through hard things.

It’s being peaceful,

Not going around causing trouble because I feel unhappy about something.

It’s being loyal to the bone,

Learning to keep promises and secrets no matter if you are not talking to that person anymore.

It’s being strong,

Having a backbone that has gone through Hell and back and still going through hardships,

But letting those be my story, not my weakness.

It’s strategizing the best ways to handle a problem or assignment,

And adapting to that obstacle in a critical thinking manner.


Is being Down-to-Earth with everyone,

Not hiding the truth because I think it will save you.

Its me giving advice to people going through certain things,

Relationships, trauma, family things.

It’s me enjoying helping others in need,

Even if I am struggling also.

It’s loving the outdoors,

Even when I hate certain bugs.

It’s me analyzing the situation before I solve the problem,

Thinking outside the box to handle certain task.


Is craving my own identity because I have an unknown identity,

It is held down with the identities I stole from by accident.

It’s loving the unique things in life,

Standing out makes me feel a sense of security because its where I feel like myself the most.

It’s Dancing to music that nobody hears,

Listening to the songs of your heart and feeling free.

It’s me thriving in Creativity that randomly strikes out of nowhere,

Being so focused on my project that I tune everything else out,

Things are a blur for the moments I have that creative mindset.


Is being fun and playful with people and myself,

Art, Singing, dancing, are all areas me and my friends find incredibly fun.

It’s wearing your heart on your sleeve,

Afraid of getting hurt but not afraid of speaking up about your emotions,

Except when you know people will not listen.

It’s loving the person I have been with for almost 4 Years,

Wanting to spend my whole life with him.

It’s loving my family through thick and thin,

Except if one of them is a rapist.


Is being calm with people that I care about.

It’s being clean and having some order,

I am clean, when I want to be, and I can have some order, when I want to be,

Like work, and occasionally home.

It’s being able to dig the stains out of my mind,

Even if its seems impossible,

I can get it out but there will always be there, even if it is lighter.

It’s me liking the thought of a fresh start,

Wanting to drop everything to just have a fresh start on Life,

But having restrictions in my mind because I don’t want to leave the people I know and love,

Even if we aren’t in much contact anymore.


Is all the colors put into one.

Its taking risk when I know things may go wrong,

But I do or say it anyway because I think it may make a difference.

Its being impulsive and going to do things that I shouldn’t normally do,

But I want to because it seems fun.

Its being serious when I try not to be,

But my mind gets into the way and makes my mood something different.

It’s being strong enough to face my problems instead of drinking them away,

To be like my mom, not my dad.

It’s being able to command a sense of respect from my peers,

Even if we hate each other,

We are civil till we don't have to be in contact with each other anymore.

Its being trustworthy to everyone I encounter,

Being able to make promises and keep them,

Not telling me you can change and then letting me down when you don't change.

It’s being a little intimidating, even if I don't realize it,

Being able to look a certain way and having someone be scared to hurt someone I care about,

It gives me happiness knowing that if someone hurts someone I love,

That they will not last, they know they will get what is coming to them.

I am Colorfully Unique,

I am full of light and happiness,

But also full of dark things from my past and slightly present.

Being Colorfully Unique can hurt sometimes,

Because you want to be one color, but you feel like another color,

It hurts me on a deeper level,

Yet nobody knows about it because I keep things inside,

Until I can’t anymore.

I feel in deep agony because I have no sense of who I am,

I am a mix of colors that have poured off of my friends onto me.

Being a little bit of each color has hurt me when I can’t choose which color my emotions and body want to be today,

Or if they want to stay the same color or different colors at once.

Colors are beautiful, if you handle them correctly,

But if they are mixed, they don’t turn into a pretty color.

If you blend the right color though,

They can be successful.

I am colorfully Unique in my own messed up way,

Just like everyone else is in some way or another.


About the Creator

Catalina Rodriguez

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    Catalina RodriguezWritten by Catalina Rodriguez

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