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Chocolate Mountain


By C.S LEWISPublished 8 months ago 1 min read

In lands of dreams where rivers flow,

Where cacao trees in splendor grow,

There lies a peak of sweet delight,

A realm of cocoa, dark as night.

Chocolate Mountain, tall and grand,

Its slopes in cocoa hues expand,

A confectioner's wildest dream,

Where sugar streams and cream does gleam.

Its summit kissed by cocoa sun,

A molten river starts to run,

Down slopes of truffle, smooth and fine,

Where nougat clouds with caramel entwine.

The air is scented, rich and warm,

With cocoa beans in every storm,

Their fragrance dances on the breeze,

A symphony that seeks to please.

Beneath the sky, a sea of brown,

Where ganache waves roll gently down,

And marzipan shores stretch far and wide,

Inviting all who dare to ride.

In glistening caves of fudge and fondue,

The echoes of indulgence grew,

As truffles sparkled, diamonds rare,

In the heart of Chocolate Mountain, fair.

The caramel cliffs, with toffee veins,

Glisten in the sun's sweet reins,

And honeycombs of praline gold,

In hidden chambers, secrets hold.

The orchards of the pralines bloom,

Their almonds sing a fragrant tune,

With whispers soft of ancient lore,

They tell of treasures to explore.

Through nougat valleys, soft and sweet,

With every step, a tempting feat,

The path winds up, through mousse and cream,

In Chocolate Mountain's tempting dream.

And when the night begins to fall,

And stars ignite the cocoa sprawl,

The mountain whispers tales untold,

Of wonders wrapped in foil and gold.

So, come, embark on this sweet quest,

To Chocolate Mountain, be our guest,

Where cocoa dreams forever flow,

In lands where sugary rivers grow.

fact or fiction

About the Creator


I presently think positively. Railing and censuring just destroy. Confirmed speculation develops. I currently take a gander at the daily routine that I experience and confirm, "It is Great." I love and favor the Ideal Power inside me

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Comments (2)

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  • Mark Graham8 months ago

    Trying to eat more healthy and now a I want a chocolate bar.

  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    I love chocolate!

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