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Cherish everything and live the rest of your life in peace

Cherish the loved ones around you

By Rodney C BlankenshipPublished 2 years ago 5 min read


Cherish is a very beautiful word, read to give people a warm, down-to-earth, reassuring, and pure feeling.

I always like the word cherish, and would like to cherish embedded in the picture frame of life, cherish each life, each landscape because all life experiences are precious encounters in life.

The trajectory of life is stamped with unique and precious memories. That is the aging time, a scene that can not be reproduced, and is not replayable in out-of-print movies.

The sea of people is vast, if the word cherish is implanted in the heart, you will be able to find true love, find a soulmate, and life will no longer wander alone. Life will not be as rootless as duckweed without a place to live.

If you cherish it throughout your life, your life will not be on the edge of pain. There will be no old age, no loneliness, no regrets, and no regrets.

Cherish the time, cherish the years to give life a thousand beautiful. Live, no matter how poor or rich, no matter how ordinary or outstanding, as long as life is well, it is the greatest blessing in life.


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In this changing world, always think that the future will be long, but some unexpected things, let people wake up.

The so-called future is long, in fact, many times there is no imagination in the long days and days, but also to go to the end of the world.

The sky has unpredictable wind, people have a day and night disaster. Life, in front of the disaster, is so unbearable, is so fragile, life is so short, too late to say goodbye, too late to say a heartfelt word, never to be seen again.

Therefore, life is a practice, and cherishing everything, is to walk on the road to practice, along the way, we have to know the trade-offs, resist temptation, know the way in and out, know the big picture, keep the original heart, and tolerate loneliness. The party can cultivate a peaceful life.

Life on the road, while walking, while understanding while growing, while cherishing, will eventually be treated gently by the years.

Cherish is a cup of jelly, nourishing life, warm hearts, cherish is the most beautiful word, so that people like bathing in the spring breeze like good, such as stained with flowers like sweet.

The life with cherish box, life will certainly spring as you wish, and the front of life will have the flag of good luck on the rise. With cherished fate, life will also be a bright and straightforward path, the years will be to flowers, fragrance far overflowing clear.

In this life, learning to cherish, knowing how to cherish, is also kindness and wisdom of the embodiment of the coexistence, is the life tends to be complete, a form of a life well.

Walking in the world, life comes and goes, the world is bustling with people, being cherished is a blessing, and knowing how to cherish others is a blessing.

If a person does not know how to cherish, life will not end well.


In this disturbing world of smoke and mirrors, how many gatherings and separations have begun with cherishing, but are pained by not cherishing?

The only way to live the best life is to walk and cherish.

Cherishing everything, is also good to live, good for yourself, and contributes to the process of life well.

The spring of life is very short, the flowers bloom, the fragrance of the moment when cherished to take the time of youth, do not regret the beginning, no regret of youth. In cherishing everything, the years are peaceful, and life is good.

Cherish the encounter, cherish the destiny in life, grasp the present, and cherish every day of life.

The reason is that for some people, once you turn around, once you miss, there will be no more interactions. It leaves sadness and regret.

Cherish life, life for each person only once, the most precious is life, life itself is above all existence.

Cherish your lover, because together we have gone through thick and thin, the days of suffering together, when cherished, the hand of the son and the son together, will be a successful life.

Cherish our loved ones, our loved ones are the most genuine and pure emotional attachment to our bloodline. It is with the ties of loved ones that life has meaning and life has momentum. It is with the silent support and attention of relatives, we will feel the beauty of life, and will feel that the earth is worth it.

Cherish friends, friends are partners who help each other on the road of life, helpers when they need each other, helpers when they encounter difficulties, real friends are rare, if you meet is the luck of a lifetime.

Cherish time, because every day of life is subtracting, the prime of life is no longer, one day is difficult to morning, with limited time to do meaningful things, the party is not negative to themselves.


The world is full of people, life comes and goes, and life flows incessantly, in a vast sea of people, life will have different encounters at different stages.

The fact is that you will find a lot of people who are not expecting to meet each other but also have no choice but to keep each other in mind.

Life is a journey of mountains and water, the sky of life, sometimes wind and clouds, life is turbulent, life is unpredictable, the only way to grasp the moment, cherish everything, to live a good life.

The three thousand things, not to admire the snow, wind, and flowers, not to dye the red dust and hustle, only to do their peace, edge to cherish, edge to go frankly. The most important thing is that you should not be obsessed with the ones you cherish.

The years carry the train of time, traveling long distances, arriving at one station after another. The company's main goal is to provide a comprehensive range of products and services to the public.

Sometimes I get caught in a cycle and meditation, always thinking that the other country is always better than this country, that mountain is always better than this mountain, as if I don't know how to cherish before I understand the truth of life, and always long for the scenery of other countries. I don't know that the most beautiful scenery of life is right in front of me.

The vastness of the universe, far away from the vault, life is like a drop in the ocean, sometimes talk about the future is a bit empty and far away, talk about the ideal is a bit pale, only talk about cherish the practical.

The way of life is to plant melons to get melons, beans to get beans, love out of love back, blessing to the blessing to come. May you cherish everything and live the rest of your life in peace.

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About the Creator

Rodney C Blankenship

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