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Ca$h Rules Everything Around Me

By Arthur WaltonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

What religion created by man is known for bringing the people out in loads and droves; with no regards to the individual races, their origins, or their sex since it has no discrimination.

Revered far more than combined amount of lucky #3 or #4 cloves; can also make you feel the entire spectrum of all known physical sensations.

Can be counted on universally at anytime whether it's broad daylight or the middle of the night; as well as on any given day you may pick out of the week.

Always feels the same to your touch regardless if pitch black darkness or out under the bright lights; as well as make any situation seem better no matter how dire or bleak.

Can have anyone eagerly waiting for its arrival being on the very edge of their seats; just single thought of receipt is more than enough to leave your mouth full of salivation.

Allowing you the choice to make ones wishes fulfilled and complete; or choose to crush the same exact wishes leaving them in a heap of disappointment and devistation.

Can lead you on down the pathway of what is good, correct, and morally righteous; just by deciding to truly elevate others round you to join you on the next level.

Or on the the wrong pathway by knowing what you should and could do but instead clutch it with such tightness; keeping it all for yourself while beating others down with a shovel.

When given different options, to use if wanted so you can uplift your entire Family for coming generations; just as so many others from the past had taking their Families dreams and turning them into reality.

On the other hand it can be used solely as the catalyst to caus extensive pain and lonely separation; or worse yet just depending on your point of view, could lead to a hidden life cultivated out of secretive duality.

Can always end with different outcomes based off trail taking for each and everyone; can pump and inflate your ego up which can make you think that your much better than you truly may be.

Can also easily lead to opposite end before sunlight from said day is over with and gone; leaving the mind consumed with constant thoughts of sinking down lower than other times from any given past memory.

Can be the spark to ignite the proper come up we all hope and look out for; using the fire starter to gather up and attain generous amounts of both dignity and respect.

Can take the oxygen to fan the flames allowing you to lift your entire Family from off the dirt of the floor; no longer being viewed by others as vagrants, bums, or trash is a reasonable enough result to expect.

Still remains strong enough to illicit reactions that spread across the entire board; from a foreboding sense of security mixed together with an abundance of happiness never before known to exist.

Almost straight from the pages of a Fairy Tale book making you think you can handle anything on your own accord; however please just realize it can all be gone away just as quick as a flick of a wrist.

That is more than enough to take a loving, caring, normal Family and sunset flip them on their heads over nite; pitting brother against brother just like the Civil War with absolutely no remorse.

Or a Mother at her daughter's throat ready to throw down and fight on sight; with the only real viable option left being to wait it out and allow it to run its course.

Any idea what the answer to the riddle of what can be the most needed gift but also a hexed curse or at worst be a crime; that so many people have latched onto like a shark to it's its prey and put forth on it all their t?.?

That is strong enough to make you an awfully hideous beast yet have mesmerizing beauty at same damn time; all while simultaneously making you feel vainly superior combined with lust?.?.

Can make slothful u feel all 7 deadly sins at once such as an Angels vengeful wrat while over flowing with gluttonous slothful pride and still envious with jealousy and greed.

It is God made so it can either help or destroy your life depending on your chosen path; in the end most decisions don't matter since you will never have as much as you want let alone as much as you believe you need.

So what is it that has such a lasting effect and mark thru all of human history; that has led to several different World Wars thru out the years - It's easy and simple - MONEY


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Arthur Walton

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