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Burning Fire

A Symphony of Flames

By Samson E. GiftedPublished about a month ago 6 min read
Burning Fire
Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash

In the heart of night, where shadows dance,

A spark ignites in a whispered trance.

Its birth is humble, a tender gleam,

A flicker of hope in a formless dream.

From the cradle of kindling, it rises slow,

A timid flame with a gentle glow.

It licks the air with a cautious kiss,

A prelude to a symphony of bliss.

I. The Awakening

In the forest dark and deep,

Where secrets in the shadows creep,

The flame awakens from its sleep,

A promise it has sworn to keep.

It finds its strength in the timber's core,

A latent force, an ancient lore.

With every breath, it hungers more,

For the dance of life it must explore.

A whisper of wind, a sigh of night,

Fans the flame to a greater height.

It sways and swirls in the darkened light,

A beacon burning fierce and bright.

The trees, they bow, they creak, they groan,

In the presence of this fire unknown.

Their leaves, like whispers, are overthrown,

In the blazing dance that it has sown.

The fire sings its ardent song,

A melody both fierce and strong.

Its rhythm beats like a warlike gong,

As it urges the night to come along.

II. The Dance of Flames

Oh, how the fire twists and turns,

As every log and branch it burns.

It leaps and bounds with joyous yearns,

In its dance of life, it never spurns.

It speaks in tongues of crackling might,

A language born of heat and light.

In every ember burning bright,

It tells a tale of endless night.

The forest floor becomes its stage,

A canvas for its fiery rage.

It writes its story, page by page,

In a fervent, unrelenting gauge.

The animals, they flee in fear,

The fire's roar is all they hear.

It chases shadows far and near,

Its path of destruction crystal clear.

Yet in its wake, it leaves behind,

A paradox for the mind to find.

For in the ashes, life will bind,

A cycle of nature intertwined.

III. The Furnace of the Soul

Within the heart of man it dwells,

A fire that no water quells.

A furnace where emotion swells,

In the depths where the spirit dwells.

It starts as passion, fierce and bright,

A guiding star in the darkest night.

It fuels our dreams, our inner sight,

A beacon of our endless fight.

With every challenge that we face,

The fire grows, it gains its place.

It burns within our mortal grace,

A timeless dance, an endless chase.

In moments of despair and doubt,

The fire flickers, almost out.

But from the ashes, with a shout,

It rises, fierce and devout.

For fire is life in every breath,

A force that conquers even death.

It lives in every heartfelt step,

In every dream that we have kept.

IV. The Pyre of Memories

In the corners of our minds it stays,

A pyre where our memories blaze.

Each flicker, a moment in the haze,

A relic of our yesterdays.

The laughter of a summer's day,

The tears that come and fade away.

The whispers of a lover's sway,

In the dance of life, they all must play.

The fire holds them close and dear,

Each ember a joy, each flame a tear.

In the furnace of the soul so clear,

They burn with light, they never sear.

The past is but a glowing ember,

A fire that we must remember.

It warms the heart in dark December,

A light that helps us to surrender.

For in the fire of memories,

We find the strength to bend our knees.

To rise again, to seek the seas,

Of future dreams and destinies.

V. The Eternal Flame

And when our days have come to end,

The fire, it will still transcend.

A timeless force, a faithful friend,

A light that nothing can suspend.

For fire is the essence pure,

A symbol of the life we endure.

In every heart, it finds its cure,

A flame that always will allure.

It burns in stars so high above,

In the warmth of every love.

It glows in dreams we’re part of,

A symbol of the spirit’s shove.

So let us honor the burning fire,

The essence of our deepest desire.

In its flames, we find our choir,

A symphony that will never tire.

VI. The Phoenix Rise

From ashes cold and dark as night,

A phoenix rises into light.

With wings of fire, it takes its flight,

A symbol of eternal might.

In every end, a new beginning,

A cycle of eternal spinning.

A dance of fire always winning,

In the game of life, it keeps on grinning.

The phoenix burns with purpose true,

In every flame, it finds the new.

A testament to what we do,

In the heart of me and you.

For fire is the core of life,

Its warmth, its light, its burning strife.

It cuts through darkness like a knife,

A beacon in the endless rife.

So let us honor the burning fire,

Its blazing heart, its bright attire.

In its flames, we find our higher,

A path to which we all aspire.

VII. The Legacy of Flame

And as the years and ages pass,

The fire’s legacy will last.

In every star, in every glass,

In every shadow it will cast.

For fire is the essence true,

Of every breath, of me and you.

It burns in skies of azure blue,

A symbol of the life we knew.

So let us kindle flames anew,

In every heart, in every view.

A legacy of fire true,

A dance of light in all we do.

For in the fire, we find our song,

A melody that’s fierce and strong.

A dance of life that’s never wrong,

A symphony that lasts so long.

VIII. The Final Blaze

And when the final days arrive,

The fire, it will still survive.

In every heart, it will thrive,

A testament to life’s drive.

It burns in stars, it burns in dreams,

In every hope, in every scheme.

A force that’s pure, a force that’s clean,

A fire that’s always seen.

So let us honor the burning fire,

Its timeless dance, its bright attire.

In its flames, we find our choir,

A symphony that will never tire.

For fire is the essence true,

Of every life, of me and you.

It burns in skies of azure blue,

A symbol of the life we knew.

IX. The Flame Within

In every heart, there is a flame,

A spark that knows no name.

It burns with joy, it burns with pain,

In every loss, in every gain.

It is the fire of the soul,

A light that makes us whole.

In its glow, we find our goal,

A dance that never takes its toll.

For fire is the essence pure,

A force that helps us to endure.

In every heart, it finds its cure,

A flame that always will allure.

So let us honor the burning fire,

Its blazing heart, its bright attire.

In its flames, we find our higher,

A path to which we all aspire.

X. The Eternal Light

And when the final night does fall,

The fire will still stand tall.

In every heart, in every hall,

A light that never will appall.

For fire is the essence true,

Of every breath, of me and you.

It burns in skies of azure blue,

A symbol of the life we knew.

So let us kindle flames anew,

In every heart, in every view.

A legacy of fire true,

A dance of light in all we do.

For in the fire, we find our song,

A melody that’s fierce and strong.

A dance of life that’s never wrong,

A symphony that lasts so long.

In the end, we are but fire,

A burning spark, a deep desire.

A flame that reaches ever higher,

A beacon of the spirit's choir.

Thus, the burning fire within,

A dance of life that will begin.

In every heart, it seeks to win,

A flame that never will grow thin.

Forever burning, forever bright,

A testament to endless night.

In every soul, it finds its light,

A dance of fire, pure and right.

So honor now the burning fire,

Its endless dance, its heart's desire.

In its flames, we never tire,

A symphony that will never expire.

slam poetryvintageStream of ConsciousnessSonnetnature poetryFirst DraftBlackout

About the Creator

Samson E. Gifted

SEG, is a talented writer, editor, and publisher known for his exceptional storytelling and keen eye for detail. With a passion for words and a commitment to excellence earning a reputation as a respected figure in the publishing industry.

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    Samson E. GiftedWritten by Samson E. Gifted

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