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Broken Dreams

A Poem of Loss and Longing

By ik dogenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Once upon a time, in a world so bright,

There lived a dreamer, with eyes full of light.

Her heart was full of hope and wonder,

Her dreams, she'd never let go asunder.

But life is cruel, and dreams can shatter,

Leaving a heart broken, and dreams scattered.

The dreamer's world came crashing down,

Leaving her with nothing but a frown.

Her dreams were like a fragile vase,

Once beautiful, now all in waste.

She tried to pick up the broken pieces,

But they slipped through her fingers like greases.

Her heart was heavy, with tears in her eyes,

As she looked up to the darkened skies.

The world that was once full of wonder,

Was now a place of endless thunder.

She longed for the days that were once so bright,

When her dreams were her guiding light.

But now, all she can do is hope and pray,

For the strength to find a new way.

Broken dreams, it's a heavy load,

When a heart is shattered, and a dreamer's road.

But hope remains, and in time, it may heal,

A broken heart, and shattered dreams reveal.

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About the Creator

ik dogen

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