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Bottled - to explore


By Lini FernandezPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 2 min read
illustration by LAF

Three-dimensional printing it was, I say.

Surely you mean a picture of a bottle printed out on paper, enquire they.

Nope. No. Nay.

Listen to the genesis of it all. A pleasant evening, like any other, it was. Weather perfect for a stroll with gentle wind gleefully blowing away.

Hold! Swoosh...Swoosh...went some particles around me and for reasons not known, aware was I of every move till a bottle-shaped armor shielded me, keeping the learning-risks at bay.

Tiny transparent particles seeming to dance to the tune - Circles, circles more circles, around my being found a way.

Shiny particles orbited around my feet making a semi-circle first, before accomplishing a full circle with their sway.

By and by the particles kept rising and from a curious onlooker to a mesmerized one turned I. Bewildering it was to watch the circle of particles falling down on circles, shaping a transparent wall all around me. Dazed for sure, yet no dismay!

A touch on my feet necessitated a glance down. Oh, that looked cute! Circles shaping inside circles ever so slightly small meant to snugly fit into the previous circles. These concentric circles grew smaller and smaller, then that touch became a nudge, and lifted I was slightly up. Barely perceptible lift: But a lift it was I most definitely say.

With that lift, my position changed. Finding a transparent layer under my feet, mulled I in fascination- Were they all just circles? Circles further grew smaller and smaller till they vanished into a point. And lo behold I was standing on glass, blocked by glass wall every way!

The height of the encircling glass wall kept on rising. Wondrously, I looked up to see the circles getting smaller again, ever so slightly small to just adjust to a slanting way.

After a time they rested above the previous circles only to keep the wall growing in a direction different. The realization that it was shaping into the thread and rim of a bottle should have made me race away.

The particles changed their color now. A shiny lavender wave of circles arrived and took the shape of a glorious lid. Inside a bottle, I now felt on display!

Was I really inside a bottle? Why wasn’t that scary wondered I, in dismay?

I questioned why I was so mesmerized as not to panic. So, forcing panic on myself, a huge shove I tried just to break free. All that transpired was that the first few circles stretched out. Pushing again resulted in stumbling into land, with terrain so similar yet so different to foray.

Rocks, wooden structures, humans dressed in leaves...Was this some kind of a film studio? Why was a motion picture studio crammed into the walls of a bottle? But the land seemed to stretch on and on and there was no sight of buildings or walls! And that’s when I saw an animal charging towards an assembled group, faraway...

To be Continued

For level 2 click here

For level 3 click the following picture

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Lini Fernandez

Lini Fernandez is a Physics (Hons) graduate with a master’s degree in Journalism. You are welcome to this website -


Imagination Corner is dedicated to Vocal submissions. Cheers to life!

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