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Blue Moon by Tamil guy

"Embracing the Unexpected: Blue Moon"

By Tamil PaiyanPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Blue Moon

Once upon a time, in a distant era, only the Moon and the Sun illuminated the world. Well, the animals were there too, but that's a tale for another time.

The Moon was known as Luna, while the Sun went by the name of Apollo. Whenever Apollo ascended, his radiant brilliance brought joy to everyone.

They would welcome him with delight, although they couldn't gaze at him for long, as his brightness hurt their sensitive eyes. Unaware of this, Apollo believed the animals were simply preoccupied with their own affairs.

To spare his feelings, they made excuses, avoiding direct gazes. As the day wore on, Apollo departed, leaving the stage to Luna. Unfortunately, the animals perceived her with skepticism, considering her a creature of darkness.

They didn't bestow upon her the same adoration they showered on Apollo. Luna felt incredibly lonely, devoid of any companionship.

One fateful night, while Luna wept in the sky, a baby raccoon noticed her and inquired, "Why are you sad?" Luna ceased sobbing, wiped her tears away, and replied, "I'm not sad at all.

It's just a speck in my eye that caused a few tears." The baby raccoon beamed at her and asked, "You're so beautiful! What's your name?" Before Luna could answer, the baby raccoon's mother arrived, visibly agitated.

"Rocket! What are you doing? Don't you know it's dangerous to be outside at this hour? We must await the rise of the Sun before venturing out!" scolded the mother.

Then, casting a wary glance at Luna, she whispered, "And never talk to her again; she's wicked, appearing only at night." In that moment, Rocket realized his mother was mistaken.

He found solace in conversing with Luna, firmly believing in her inherent kindness. Every night, Rocket clandestinely slipped out to speak with the Moon, relishing their conversations, his eyes unharmed by her gentle glow.

On that particular night, Rocket's stealthy excursion didn't go unnoticed. His mother trailed behind him, and upon discovering her son conversing with the Moon, she interrupted their interaction, swiftly seizing Rocket and whisking him away into their treehouse.

His mother forbade Rocket from talking to Luna, strictly prohibiting him from venturing outdoors after sunset.

The incident left Luna even sadder, and she wept and wept. Apollo noticed the tears glistening in her eyes.

He longed to console her, but didn't know how. Little did they know, Lamia, the Moon-fairy, overheard Apollo's heartfelt yearning.

Touched by Luna's desolation, Lamia felt compelled to do something kind for her. She sought permission from the fairy Queen Maurelle to intervene. Queen Maurelle pondered the request and eventually replied, "Lamia, you are a benevolent fairy.

I understand the depth of your empathy. As the Queen of the Moonlight Palace, I grant you the opportunity to aid those in need. When in doubt, listen to your heart and follow what is right."

The next morning, Lamia, swift as a gust of wind, departed the Moonlight Palace. Ensuring no one observed her, especially Apollo, she concealed herself beneath a maple leaf, patiently awaiting the setting of the Sun.

Excitement surged within her as she anticipated reuniting with Luna.

Finally, the Sun descended, and the sorrowful Moon appeared. Luna wore an expression of profound sadness and helplessness.

Rocket caught sight of her and beamed with joy. Luna returned his smile, but before long, Rocket's mother yanked him away.

Observing the anguish in her friend's eyes, Luna compreh.

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nature poetryfact or fictionchildrens poetrycelebrities

About the Creator

Tamil Paiyan

Hi guys iam from kanniyakumari,Iam show you how much kanniyakumari is beautiful

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    TPWritten by Tamil Paiyan

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