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Bad company

A poem

By Peculiar BeautyPublished 5 months ago 4 min read
Bad company

"Bad Company"

In shadows cast by the moon's pale gleam,

A tale unfolds of a company unseen.

Whispers echo through the midnight air,

Of souls entwined in a clandestine affair.

Beneath the veil of a star-studded night,

Bad company dances in the dimming light.

Their steps, a rhythm, dark and sly,

A symphony of secrets, where shadows lie.

The leader, a phantom in the gloom,

Wielding power, cloaked in mystic fume.

Eyes ablaze with an unholy fire,

Igniting the hearts of those who conspire.

Their meeting ground, a forgotten space,

A haven for those who embrace disgrace.

Silhouettes merge, a wicked ballet,

In this clandestine realm where devils play.

Each member harbors a clandestine past,

Wounds concealed, an eternal cast.

A fellowship bound by a twisted creed,

A pact that none dare to impede.

In the alley's murk and alley's gloom,

They gather, wreathed in a sinister bloom.

A motley crew of rogues and fiends,

Cloaked in shadows, where darkness teems.

The first among them, a silver-tongued rogue,

Deception laced in every vogue.

His words, a poison, sweet and sly,

Entrapping hearts with a devilish tie.

Beside him stands a silent wraith,

A specter with a chilling breath.

Her gaze, an icicle through the soul,

A sentinel of the company's dark control.

A minstrel with a violin's wail,

Strumming chords of a haunting tale.

His melodies weave through the night,

An ode to shadows, an unholy delight.

A scarred marauder with a wicked grin,

A knife's whisper, a lethal sin.

He stalks the edges, unseen, unheard,

A phantom menace, a malevolent bird.

The sorcerer, with eyes like ember's glow,

Conjures spells in the shadows below.

His incantations, a twisted rhyme,

Binding the company through space and time.

Through the labyrinth of deceit they tread,

A tapestry woven in threads of dread.

Betrayal, their currency, exchanged with glee,

In this realm of shadows, where dark souls flee.

Yet, within the folds of this sinister dance,

Lurks a longing for a different chance.

A yearning to break free from the night,

And emerge into the dawn's forgiving light.

In this tale of shadows, a lesson unfolds,

That even in darkness, redemption holds.

For the bad company, a chance to mend,

To find solace in a darkness that may transcend.

So, let the moon bear witness to their plight,

As bad company seeks a path to light.

In the hidden recesses where shadows play,

A saga unfolds, where hearts may find their way.

Through the labyrinth of deceit they tread,

A tapestry woven in threads of dread.

Betrayal, their currency, exchanged with glee,

In this realm of shadows, where dark souls flee.

Yet, within the folds of this sinister dance,

Lurks a longing for a different chance.

A yearning to break free from the night,

And emerge into the dawn's forgiving light.

Amidst the clandestine whispers and deceit,

A glimmer of conscience, a heartbeat.

Each rogue in this fellowship of despair,

Held a story, a past they wished to repair.

The silver-tongued rogue, with words so sly,

Dreamed of honesty, of tears that don't dry.

Behind the deception, he sought to find,

A truth that could heal the wounds of his kind.

The silent wraith, with eyes cold as frost,

Yearned for warmth, for connections not lost.

In the shadows, a flicker of humanity,

A desire to escape her spectral calamity.

The minstrel, whose melodies wove the air,

Longed for harmony, a world free of despair.

In the notes of redemption, he sought a key,

To unlock the hearts of the company.

The marauder, scarred by deeds untold,

Secretly wished for a different mold.

His dagger, a relic of a past unkind,

A quest for peace within his troubled mind.

The sorcerer, with eyes aflame like ember,

Pondered a magic that could dismember,

The binds of darkness, the spells of old,

To rewrite the tale, a destiny retold.

As the moonlight painted their silhouettes,

A silent pact formed among the misfits.

To break the chains that bound their fate,

And discover a path to a lighter state.

The tapestry of shadows began to fray,

As the rogues yearned for the break of day.

In the hidden recesses where shadows played,

A transformation unfolded, a serenade.

The silver-tongued rogue turned to truth,

Crafting narratives free from the uncouth.

His words, once poison, now a soothing balm,

Guiding the company to a redemptive calm.

The silent wraith found solace in speech,

Her silence broken, a promise to breach.

In the echoes of her voice, a healing song,

A melody that carried the misfits along.

The minstrel's tunes shifted to a hopeful chord,

A symphony of redemption the company adored.

His violin, no longer a harbinger of gloom,

But an instrument that dispelled the impending doom.

The marauder, with scars etched on his skin,

Laid down his weapons, sought peace from within.

A journey begun to mend the soul's distortion,

Transforming his role in the shadowy portion.

The sorcerer, eyes now softer in their glow,

Embraced a magic that let forgiveness flow.

The incantations, no longer dark and cold,

Became verses of redemption, stories retold.

In the tapestry of shadows, threads rewoven,

The company found a new path to trodden.

No longer bound by the chains of despair,

They emerged into the dawn's tender air.

For even in the darkest corners of the night,

Redemption awaits, a beacon of light.

In this tale of shadows, where hearts found their way,

Bad company discovered the dawn of a new day.


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    PBWritten by Peculiar Beauty

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