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A Poem

By Mihaela VasilevaPublished 4 years ago 1 min read
Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

I have become associated with three things

Over the course of my existence,

In concordance with my accomplishments, ideas, thoughts and crafts,

I became associated with Life, Hope and Joy.

The mother, Life, had given me the air to breathe

And an earth upon which to stand on.

At night, she would pray that there was enough light to outshine the darkness.

She made sure that the water which fell from her fingers

Was enough to remind me of how beautiful her work was.

In every moment, I made sure to appreciate her,

Giving her thanks for all she had done to create me,

At times, almost sacrificing herself just so that she could remind me,

That she was still around.

Her child, Hope, became my green light on the horizon.

Though hard to reach at times,

Hope was always around.

Awake in my dreams and fueling my imagination,

Hope was a sister who I adored

And greeted almost instantly.

And, at the moments in which she would stray far away into the night

Where I couldn’t reach her,

She would still be around;

But in different places she hoped to be found.

Joy was Hope’s child.

I lost Joy almost every day.

Hope found her almost instantly.

I had very much forgotten what Joy looked like, for her appearance changed every second.

But she lived,

And yet didn’t live all at the same time.

So when I am asked, whom do I know,

I’ll tell them

I knew Life,

But losing Joy,

Made me want to find Hope.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Mihaela Vasileva

I write based on heart. I love based on thought. I think based on truth.

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