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it's time to move on

By Richard KPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

the longer i stay sober

the more your memory fades

so if i keep a bottle near

you'll never disappear

the liquor enters

and your memory resurfaces

an encompassing flashback

how is it

that i can't remember lunch

but i can remember what you wore when i first saw you

dressed in black with your hair down to your ass

walking away but i couldn't look away

what is a girl like you doing in this ordinary city?

you belong on a runway

the type of girl that makes people say

"who the fuck is that?"

leaving me blind ever since

girls pass by and they flirt

but they're not you so what's the point

weeks would pass, and now it's time

to muster up the confidence to talk with you

i stop you in your tracks to conversate

lost in your eyes i don't know what to say

you blind me and mute me?

you have an accent? Venezuela? Colombia?

& is that Chanel or your shampoo?

a few more weeks and I had my chance

to feel those lips upon my lips

so soft and tender

getting more drunk from your lips

than the margaritas we drank

fighting back our desire

but your tongue gave it away

but that would be the last time

because then you disappeared

was it something i said?

was i not enough?

was there someone else?

no? what was it then?

questions i've examined endlessly


but there is no cure

to this enigma

maybe it's time to start this over

no more drinking

i'll start tomorrow

sad poetrylove poemsinspirationalheartbreak

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