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Amongst A Multitude of Shimmering Stars...

you are never alone

By Kim ThayerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The cheers - and jeers - have long since faded,

the cavalcade of rainbows swept

up with debris, errantly tossed to the ground

by celebratory hands


It is something I've only experienced

via the random scrolling of a Facebook feed,

pausing at times to vicariously soak in

the festivities of Others.

I've been a mere spectator,

awash in a sea of wanting.


But still...

to be even just a sliver in the

Door of Knowing?

During my moments of indirect participation,

I can't help but feel as if I'm a vital part of

- Something -







...but I am left alone now,

with my own thoughts, my own feelings

disconnected from the Power

that Unity brings


I’ve always been a solitary creature,

even in the midst of chaotic wonder

I’ve always sought joy in just – being

but over time, in my search for all that is


I have discovered that with authentic Unity

comes the radiance of Harmony


…and Unwavering Acceptance.


To believe that I am an Essence 0f

The All...

that I sparkle amongst a vast

array of iridescent stars -

- but still, I maintain my

own, unique shimmer in the brilliance of

The Many?


I have found - Solace.


….but now,

the Coalition of Love

has disbanded…

drifting off into the world,

like glittering spores of a

dandelion, blown by the winds

of Change…


…and now, alone...

the cascade of exuberant voices

drifting away with dandelion winds

It is my voice to which my mind

so ardently listens…


…and that voice is a harsh one at times.


An unsettled mind can be a traumatic realm

in which to find the timbre of tranquility,

An unsettled heart sets an erratic beat

to which you can no longer joyfully dance

I think I know who I am…

…but is my Identity defined by me…

or those who seek to infiltrate my

consciousness -

box and label-maker in hand?


If I don't tear myself open,

baring all that I am to the world,

am I a façade?

I hope not.

I live with an unfastened mind…

and a gaping heart,

raw and vulnerable to the harshness

that cruel intentions can bring.


I’m not perfect.

I am, after all, human -

Highly Complex

Grossly Flawed

An intermingling of atoms


strands of familial DNA,

and a toss and a tingle

of miscalculations

and mistakes

piloted by my heart,

leaving my brain in

the dusty trail of Regret.


Others think they know me -

and with parts of me,

they do -

titles, subtitles, and scribblings

of chapters meant for the masses –

not necessarily for those seeking –



My more fragile pages,

yellowed with Time

worn by Fraught and Fear

remain Classified -

subject only to the perusal of

those whose minds are


without judgment,

devoid of prejudice

I’m an athenaeum of my own keeping,

a reclusive librarian,

wandering the aisles,

protector of my own tomes.


I walk this world -

my internal library staunchly intact -

feeling the surety of my

feet as they root with the earth,

securing my place within her -

yet it's a bond tenuous enough

to allow me the freedom

to move forever forward.

I swim the seas of life, feeling the rolling

of the waves...

they cradle me -

- carry me -

as a gentle Mother would a timid child


I am, after all, Fluid.


I love, not by scientific standards,

but by theories scrawled and sifted –

- and sometimes ordained -

by Celestial Hands.


I adapt.

I grow.

I change.

I am forever moving,

eternally striving…


I am Evolution.


…and sometimes,

…within arms of Unwavering Acceptance -

…impassioned by the soulful kisses of a Loving Congregation


I am Revolution.


If I close my eyes…

If I listen with an open heart…

If I see with a yearning spirit…

Even in my present solitary stillness…

I can hear the cheers of freedom.

I can feel the celebratory hands clasping my own.

I can see the brilliant waves of rainbows moving in, around,

and through me.

I can see the glistening of a multitude of stars,

disconnected by Time

separated by Space


….but forever Unified in Love…


…and at the depths of my cavernous -

hungering -


I can hear a faint voice feeding me

with compassionate consolation -

breathing into my heart the words:

“You are not alone.”

social commentary

About the Creator

Kim Thayer

I was 8 yrs old when I asked for an electric typewriter for Christmas. From my earliest days, I learned that I can more easily explore the depths of me & express myself in writing. Now, I've decided to start sharing. Thanks for reading!

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • Devon 2 years ago


Kim ThayerWritten by Kim Thayer

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