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amidst the chaos there is peace

many realities exist at once

By morgan leigh callisonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
amidst the chaos there is peace
Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash

some would say the world is going to sh✨t. parts of me would agree.

yet overall, i tend to have a broader view that encompasses multiple angles of observation.

i tend to believe our perspective is based on the grace we give ourselves to be in a constant phase of evolution.

i see the process of human evolution through the lens of my spirit.

the energy i carry today is different than the energy of my ancestors.

i choose to walk a path of transformation, of letting go through integration, of allowance and surrender while also harnessing the power of living within my wholeness.

being witness to the shadows and the light, knowing the difference in my own heart about what feels good and right versus what feels accepted by this societies ways.

i like to see my path as spiralling sphere of light, illuminating the way for me to continue to shift patterns, disrupt unhealthy destruction and live a life i choose rather than a life set by someone else’s standards.

i believe i am what i consume and that my surrounding environment is directly linked to the well being of my inner realms.

i choose to fuel my body mind and soul with resources designed to uplift and shift my consciousness into spaces yet to be known.

i welcome change and opportunities to grow beyond what i currently know of myself.

i lean towards the future with an optimistic heart, while practicing the art of presence in this very moment of time.

i remind myself to look towards the light while also honouring the dark side of myself as an ally here to guide me through these developmental phases of my existence.

just like the moon who wanders through the sky, always in a state of shifting from one phase to the next, i am eternally myself within each season of the cycles that reside within my soul.

i breathe and my lungs fill with the magic that floats through the air, particles of stardust and fairie fluff that make me who i am.

i am a mistress of the trees and a lover of the bees, a maiden, mother & wise crone, all wrapped up & woven into the cloak i wear upon my throne.

i am a queen, and a witch and a priestess in the making.

i am love, and kindness and a wild force of creativity.

i am bravery, and courage, and calm amongst the storm.

i am open & receptive, and learning through humility.

i am listening, i am hearing, i am a song sung through the breeze.

i am the dream of a few who have come before and a few who are still yet to arrive.

i am fire and water, air & earth.

i am the rebirth of my soul in human form.

i take shape anew in each scenario of this life, while also remaining true to the seed planted within many incarnations ago.

my view is always changing and my reality forever rearranging to meet this new perspective of body mind and soul.


About the Creator

morgan leigh callison

off grid creatrix & moon witch.

i live to create compilations of words & pieces of visionary art. an avid driftwood collector & moon gazer, i am always either looking up, down or towards a bright horizon.


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