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amid the murmurs of the river

where water meets dreams

By Charles L.Published 10 months ago 2 min read
amid the murmurs of the river
Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

In the hushed murmur of the river, my spirit becomes submerged,

within the convergence of water and dreams that rise,

a fluid pathway embracing the distant horizon,

where the current croons and time conceals.

The waters waltz, kissed by gilded sunbeams,

a dance of reflections, dreams intertwined,

akin to an empty canvas, the river stretches,

etching memories with the brush of surrender.

Beneath the expanse of open heavens, the tranquil odyssey begins,

in a vessel of illusions, we navigate unbridled,

witnessed by the avian voyeurs of wave's ballet,

as we pursue the current, where the soul brims.

Guardian mountains encircle the silvery riverbed,

imposing and lofty, thwarting the winds' dare,

they shepherd us with grandeur, kindling curiosity,

around every river bend, each enigma unfurling.

The babbling waters lull our musings to slumber,

whispering age-old sagas, enigmas, sentiments,

along the water's edge, a ballet of gentle footfalls,

abandoning imprints of erstwhile enslavements.

The banks unfurl like vibrant gardens of old,

where blooms and trees cradle our affections,

fragrance of yesteryears, intermingling with zephyrs,

as we journey ahead with the current, no trepidation, no crossing.

Stones within the riverbed recount age-old sagas,

sentinels of secrets, legends, and memories' keepsakes,

touched reverently, their ancient energies sensed,

bridging with history, through this enlightening traverse.

The moon ascends the stellar expanse,

we voyage under its luminance, a world self-contained,

silvered waters, the river mirrors the sky's expanse,

each glimmer reflecting dreams that bequeath us.

Seasons shift as we press onward, unabated,

the river stands as a witness, an unwavering guide,

winter's icy cloak veils its waters in pure white,

spring rekindles it, an assured rebirth.

Radiant summer gleams, the river at its zenith,

we sail amidst laughter, beneath the sun's embrace,

autumn gifts waterborne leaves, a tranquil adieu,

welcoming fresh stages into view.

Hence the odyssey endures, a journey sans a clear terminus,

where river and soul in an intimate grasp unite,

in every ripple, in each eddy, in shared sighs,

the river reflects a common world, resplendent.

In the river's whispered secrets, eternity lies concealed,

a voyage woven of water and dreams, truths unveiled,

every wave, every eddy, each curve and recess,

beckons us to explore, to dream, to live, at this divine crossroads.

nature poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Charles L.

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