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By Munazza SultanaPublished 3 months ago β€’ 1 min read














In divine verses, Alhamdulillah gleams,

Each word, a radiant gem in Quranic streams.

Praise be to Allah, sovereign o'er skies and earth,

His grace, our guiding light, from life's dark berth.

With dawn's gentle rise, His mercy unfurls,

In whispered prayers, His love softly swirls.

Alhamdulillah, for the sun's warm embrace,

And the moon's gentle glow, in night's tranquil grace.

In laughter's serenade and tears' tender flow,

Alhamdulillah, our faith's enduring glow.

For trials endured, and blessings unseen,

In every moment, Allah's presence keen.

In whispers of breezes and oceans' rhythmic dance,

Alhamdulillah, His wonders enhance.

For each breath, a melody to proclaim,

In every heart, resonates His eternal name.

In fields of verdant green and peaks reaching high,

Alhamdulillah, His blessings draw nigh.

For every soul, humble or bold,

In gratitude, our voices unfold.

So let us raise, with sincere hearts and clear,

Alhamdulillah, without a hint of fear.

For in His mercy, our path we lay,

Praise be to Allah, now and always.


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