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Adventurer and Time Traveller

Surfing through time at warp speed

By Warren BrownPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Adventurer and Time Traveller
Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

Travelling on the waves of time,

Is something which I enjoy,

Looking at the birth of civilizations,

Is a wonder to behold,

As history unravels and lives to unfold.

Watching victories and battles,

Living through precious moments in history,

As I surf through the annals of time,

Through all weathers and in all clime,

It is so exciting and fills me with joy,

Like a child who has discovered a new toy.

Sitting at the table of Augustus Caesar,

Watching the exploits of Julius Caesar,

They both hungered for more power.

The history of the Romans, the Mesopotamians,

The Greeks, the Celts, the Chinese, the Egyptians,

The Indus Valley, the Aztecs and Incas,

Are just some of the golden annals in human history,

A large part of which is still shrouded in mystery.

Observing the reigns of Emperors and Kings,

Queens, Pharoah, Princesses and Princelings.

It is a joy to watch the building of the pyramids,

And observe the findings of Archimedes.

To watch the apple, fall to the ground,

As Isaac Newton yells in great delight,

As he made the great discovery of gravity,

While man-made ships float on oceans and the sea.

There are so many other times of worthy sight,

To go back in time and watch Edison discover light.

All history is not wonderful and glorious,

There are times when our past was cursed.

In the history of humankind,

There are times when the civilized were blind,

As they were avaricious, cruel and unkind.

In the history of our civilized world,

We have had useless battles,

Which we thought we had won,

Useless killings with swords and guns.

To be a time traveller is to know,

That our past is not all wonderful and swell,

It can make you in disgust, scream and yell,

To know that we had a terrible past as well,

Have we learned, only time will really tell?

Dictators, tyrants and evil rulers,

Made life a living hell for many,

Those lives were not worth a penny.

In history, there were times of new beginnings,

A renaissance of minds, industry and the arts,

Which enriched humanity in its culture and social parts.

There were the ages of great men and women,

They walked the corridors of power and might

They had great vision, with insight and foresight.

It seemed that the ages of tyrants would never end,

But, for them, it did end without a family or friend.

The end of civilizations saw the birth of new ones,

As they grew in brightness under new moons and suns.

Time travelling is a wonderful gift,

To be able to fly through history as we know it,

To watch, learn and gain wisdom through it.

A thousand lives of men and women,

Have flown in the blink of an eye.

So many lives have been lived,

So many battles fought and kings made,

While so many have with their lives paid.

Man and woman have both endured,

As diseases have been defeated and the sick cured.

The human spirit and the age of man and woman,

Will stand the bittersweet experience of time,

As a new age will dawn,

As new races will be born.

We can all travel the vastness of space and time,

When we open books on our past,

Which is enshrined in an unbreakable cast.

Travelling on the waves of time,

Is something which I enjoy,

Looking at the birth of civilizations,

Is a wonder to behold,

As history unravels and lives to unfold.

Watching victories and battles,

Living through precious moments in history,

As I surf through the annals of time,

Through all weathers and in all clime.

I am the Time Traveller,

Surfing through time at warp speed,

On the wings of my imagination,

Reading books of interest at great speed.


About the Creator

Warren Brown

Warren Brown is an Independent Author and Publisher. Warren is a Life Coach, Writing Coach, Blogger, YouTuber, Artist and Copywriter. Warren lives in London.

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