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The Joy of Walking on the Writer's Way

Every writer’s journey starts with the first literary piece

By Warren BrownPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
The Joy of Walking on the Writer's Way
Photo by Lili Popper on Unsplash

As a child, he held the pencil nervously in his hand,

Those tiny alphabets he needed to understand,

To make sense of all those swirling lines,

To understand all those fascinating designs.

As a teen he watched the writers do their work,

All absorbed in some otherworldly sort of work.

He read the writings of the poets and the authors,

Men and women who crafted words and images like potters.

At seventeen he composed his first poem for his first crush,

A poem about a mermaid, fantasy poetry done in a rush.

In his twenties, when school and college were done,

He had his career and a loving wife he had won.

As his life began to settle down, he picked up the pen,

To write his thoughts down and memories without an end.

His father was a writer and teller of tales, a master in his craft,

It was in his genes to write, but perhaps his friends would laugh.

One day the novice writer made a serious decision,

He would work on the writer’s craft with precision.

The Writer’s path long and winding was ahead of him,

Filled with rough cobbles, and shrubs without a trim.

Nothing in life could deter the writer anymore,

He would travel the path as far as his writing could go.

His literary work was appreciated to his bewilderment and surprise,

To seemed to speak to the minds and hearts of so many eyes.

The writer smiled, knowing that his choice was healthy and good,

He carried a lantern-lit with knowledge through the dark wood.

The four seasons went and the four seasons came,

His fortune went up and down in harmony again.

The writer still persisted in his literary work, though his friends laughed,

He knew that writing was in his soul, his mission, and his craft.

At the twilight of his writing years in the light of dusk,

The author penned his last enlightening words, as his soul left the husk,

“Follow the path of the writer and serve your craft well till the end,

It is there that you will have your Guide, Mentor, and eternal Friend.”

So, this tale lived by a writer can be fatefully told,

As the reader can find the hidden treasure and gold.

Every writer must take up his mission and his art,

While walking the woods through every forest path.

The road of the writer may be lonely, dreary, and cold,

You will uncover unknown wealth and treasures untold.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Warren Brown

Warren Brown is an Independent Author and Publisher. Warren is a Life Coach, Writing Coach, Blogger, YouTuber, Artist and Copywriter. Warren lives in London.

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