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A Time Traveler’s Dream

A poetic tale of “just passing through.”

By J. S. WadePublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
A Time Traveler’s Dream
Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

The power went out, the door was all jammed,

water cut off, and delivery’s canned.

Directives said, fill up your tub,

weeks will pass before you have grub.

Clean up your bathrooms, sinks and your toilets,

or you won’t survive the upcoming riots.

Beware of a rocket outside of your door,

Time pirates have been spotted around the world.


A waif, a beauty, slim with green hair,

will stand at your door and look somewhat like Cher.

Her laser is ready, you’re life won’t be spared,

she will tear life and limb if you don’t take care.

Star travel through time is her ignominious quest,

three hours ahead of galactic arrest.

A renegade time thief, convicted, escaped,

that’s what she wants, not your fine physique.

A second, a minute, ten years here or there.

Your clock will be drained and you left in despair.

Time travelers when stranded will not give a rip,

They want your beats to make their next trip.


Run, hide, right now and lock up your ticker

there’s no point in fighting when alls in a jitter.

The posse’s behind her and they are all quite good,

Spectral head Hunters will take out this hood.

Don’t be brave or you’ll lose your head,

you’ll be defeated and your beats will be dead.

One thing of weakness I must mention a lot,

Twinkie’s will blind her and make her see squat.

Once eaten, she’ll sleep like one tied on a tether,

like a bear in a cave midst cold wintry weather.

These sweet cakes will mess with her powerful mind,

She’ll pass out, with nightmares, all about time.

Sweet love will mist, contained in her snores,

You will believe she’s yours, forevermore.

Yet, you are doomed as her surrogate clock,

attached like a bank of hours unlocked.

A feeder, reservoir, emergency supply,

wherever she goes, you will be close by.

Earthlings, my friends, with you I don’t jest,

please take seriously, my honest request.


To spare you the future you’ll return to the past,

Where nothing can change and nothing will last.

Escape, join the hunters and travel through space,

timeless the thrill where eternity plays,

and past, present, and future are made .

From Waterloo to Ardennes you will view all the battles,

To Yellowstone park where rest all the cattle.

To England and London to visit the tock,

Big Ben will clang tea at Four O’clock sharp.

To Paris, the Louvre will call you a guest,

don’t touch a thing or the French will arrest.

To Eden and Hades to find out the truth,

A time bandit could be quite a good sleuth.

When you return your hair may be afire,

with Cher as your master, you may soon conspire.

Jumping time in lust, your end will draw near,

Galactic avengers will cause you great fear.


Wake up and bring this dream to an end.

Enjoy and honor the days you’ve been given.

No one knows their limits of time,

You cannot extend or redesign.

The past is the past, the futures unknown,

your time on this earth is yours alone.

Time thieves are real just look out your door,

your neighbors, those preachers, some families want more,

Some blather and suck and fail to make sense,

They steal for their lives at your beats expense

Do right, judge not, and give all your best,

the stars watch in judgement, all unimpressed.

What matters are memories you leave on this earth,

Your universal clock started at birth.

Smile, be happy, and live your best life,

Spread joy, love, and peace, create no strife.

As time traveler through this world you will pass.

Your a visitor, a guest, so don’t be an ass.

🕛 🕛 🕛

performance poetry

About the Creator

J. S. Wade

Since reading Tolkien in Middle school, I have been fascinated with creating, reading, and hearing art through story’s and music. I am a perpetual student of writing and life.

J. S. Wade owns all work contained here.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (12)

  • Roy Stevensabout a year ago

    I think there's a screenplay in there somewhere. A damn good one too! Lots of clever notions to play with Scott. Terrific yet again!

  • Rick Henry Christopher about a year ago

    This was really interesting how you blended varying emotions and culture to create a multidimensional experience. Very well done as always. Great Job!!!

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    That last line was hilarious! This was a really clever, thoughtful piece. I enjoyed the ride!! Great work, Scott :)

  • I did put this off thinking it might be another Time traveller haiku, so glad I was wrong. Loved the trip you took us on (pun intended)

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Wow, this weaves some heady magic, man. Nice work!

  • Whoaaaa, this was like a combination of a fever dream and acid trip! It was one heck of an adventure! Loved it soooo much!

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Whoa!! This poem is awesome! That was definitely epic - what an awesome adventure! 😍

  • Antoinette L Breyabout a year ago

    very engaging poem

  • Stephanie J. Bradberryabout a year ago

    What an Epic ride!

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Spectacular performance poem!!!💖💖💕

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Oh my. This is wonderful. Love it.

J. S. WadeWritten by J. S. Wade

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