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A Silent That Kills Inside

Loneliness Hurts The Soul

By Vivid MasonganyikaPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A Silent That Kills Inside
Photo by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash

A Silent That Kills Inside

There's a silent that kills inside,

A pain that lingers and won't subside,

A burden too heavy for one to bear,

A problem that we cannot share.

We keep it close and hold it tight,

Hoping one day it'll see the light,

But as the days go by and the pain grows,

Our silence, like a poison, starts to show.

It eats away at us, bit by bit,

Till we're left with nothing but a broken spirit,

Our hearts heavy, our minds in a fog,

Our souls longing for a listening ear, a comforting hug.

We try to brush it off and hide our tears,

But deep down, we're consumed by our fears,

Afraid of being judged, of being misunderstood,

Afraid of being left alone in the neighbourhood.

But keeping it to ourselves won't make it go away,

In fact, it only gets worse day by day,

It gnaws at our souls, leaving us empty inside,

Till we can't take it anymore, and we let out a cry.

Why do we do this to ourselves, why do we suffer alone,

Why do we hold back, why don't we pick up the phone,

Why don't we reach out to someone who cares,

Someone who'll listen, someone who shares.

There's no shame in asking for help,

In fact, it's the bravest thing we can do for ourselves,

To open up and share our pain,

To let go of our fears and start anew again.

For it's only when we break the silence,

That we can begin to find our balance,

To heal from the wounds that we carry,

And learn to live a life that's merry.

So let's not let the silent kill us inside,

Let's not let our problems become our guide,

Let's reach out to those who love us,

And together, let's conquer this fuss.

For life is too short to live in pain,

Too precious to waste it all in vain,

Let's embrace each moment, each day,

And make the most of our time, in every way.

inspirationalheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator

Vivid Masonganyika

Hi there! My name is Vivid, and I'm a professional comic writer based in Zimbabwe. I'm passionate about comics, health research, and love stories, and I love sharing my knowledge and experiences with others.

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