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A sad girl in a resilient world

navigating your sadness through poetry.

By Boitumelo MokgosiPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

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In the depths of sorrow's grip, she resides,

A sad girl with tear-filled eyes,

Her spirit weeps, her heart is heavy,

Lost in a world that feels so empty.

Her voice whispers softly, filled with pain,

A haunting melody, a mournful refrain,

Invisible scars etched upon her soul,

As sadness engulfs her, taking its toll.

In the mirror, she sees a shattered reflection,

A fragile soul, devoid of affection,

Her smile fades, like a wilting bloom,

In her heart, darkness finds its room.

She walks through life, a ghostly apparition,

Hiding her anguish with a quiet disposition,

Her laughter masks the depths of despair,

A fragile façade, too heavy to bear.

In solitude, she seeks solace's embrace,

In the lonely corners, she finds her space,

Her tears cascade like a gentle rain,

Lost in the storm, drowning in pain.

Through tear-stained pages, she pours her heart,

In words, she finds solace, a form of art,

Each line a whisper of her silent cries,

A testament to the pain she can't disguise.

Her dreams, once vibrant, now muted and gray,

Hope's flickering ember slowly fades away,

With every sunrise, she longs for the night,

Where shadows hide her, cloaked from sight.

Yet amidst her sadness, a flicker of light,

A beacon of hope, shining so bright,

For within her soul, resilience resides,

A flame of strength, a spark that abides.

Though the road is long, and the journey steep,

Her spirit perseveres, refusing to sleep,

With every setback, she learns to rise,

Her sadness a canvas for her to revise.

So let the world see her sorrow's plight,

For within her sadness, she finds her might,

A sad girl, yes, but a fighter still,

Determined to heal, to mend and rebuild.

And when the tears dry and the storm subsides,

She'll rise from the ashes, where sadness resides,

A triumphant soul, with wings unfurled,

A sad girl no more, but a resilient world.

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About the Creator

Boitumelo Mokgosi

As an author, I am a master of words, a weaver of dreams, and a storyteller who possesses a unique perspective on the world. My writing encapsulates the beauty, complexity, and diversity of the human experience.

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