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A Rare Gem Amidst the Stones

Discovering the Hidden Treasure Amongst the Ordinary

By DHINESH CRPublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Precious Gem in the Rough

A diamond in the rough, a precious stone,

A beauty rare, a glittering throne.

Its fire and brilliance, so hard to find,

A treasure so rare, it leaves us all entranced.

Amidst the stones, this gem does shine,

A rare and precious sight, so fine.

Its sparkle and its gleam so bright,

A symbol of love, a symbol of might.

This rare gem has a story to tell,

A journey long, a path well-traveled.

From the depths of the earth, it rose to the light,

A transformation of fire and pressure, so right.

In the hands of the miner, it was shaped and formed,

A journey so arduous, a path well-worn.

Cut and polished, it shimmered and shone,

A treasure of beauty, a symbol of worth.

In the hands of a jeweler, it was given life,

A creation of art, a masterpiece.

A setting of gold, a chain of fine threads,

A rare gem so radiant, it left us all in awe.

A symbol of love, a symbol of devotion,

A rare gem that has a power so great.

It brings us joy, it brings us peace,

A beauty so rare, it fills our hearts with grace.

It is a rarity that we cherish and hold,

A symbol of beauty, a story untold.

A diamond in the rough, a precious stone,

A beauty so rare, it leaves us all entranced.

This rare gem, it shines so bright,

A symbol of love, a symbol of light.

A rare and precious beauty, so fine,

A treasure of the earth, a treasure of time.

So let us cherish this rare gem, so bright,

A symbol of love, a symbol of light.

For it is a rarity, so hard to find,

A beauty so rare, it leaves us all entranced.

performance poetrynature poetrylove poems

About the Creator


Hi! My name is Dhinu and I am a passionate blogger who loves to write. I bring unique perspectives and insights to the table.

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