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A Prayer for a Worried Heart

Daily Prayer - January 25th

By Suresh NatarajanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

A Prayer for an Anxious Heart By Suresh Natarajan “ We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop abidance. And abidance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident stopgap of deliverance. And this stopgap won't lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. ”- Romans 53- 5, NLT

My phone buzzed the other day with a announcement from the sprat’s academy. Severe rainfall was on the way! My mind swirled like the doppler image of the hurricane headed toward our area. Rejoicing is the last thing that comes to mind when I feel upset. rather, my mind incontinently begins to troubleshoot everything that can conceivably go wrong and scramble to make a plan. I noway want anything to catch me with my guard down!

• Where should I take the kiddies after academy?

• Will our house be safe? • What about the tykes ?

• Should we leave city or threat riding the rough rainfall out?

perhaps you can relate?

Do you try to suppose through every possible script and how you might respond when life goes crazy? Anxiety is frequently our response to life’s unwanted surprises. Our minds race to get ahead of anything that can and might get thrown our way. We exhaust all our emotional energy in an sterile trouble to stay ahead of misgivings.

But I ’ve no way , not formerly, been suitable to overthink my way into prognosticating the future. fussing and overanalyzing, assuming the worst- case script, does nothing to calm my anxious heart. honestly, utmost of the time, it just leads to further anxiety. still, the good news isn't all anxiety is dangerous. We can harness our nervous energy into action, helping us work to get to a safe place, break the problem, or resolve the issue. also, we can use our anxiety to prompt us toward the verity.

Book tells us to rejoice because our problems are doing commodity veritably useful. The problems anxiety tries to move us we need to overrun are frequently the very circumstances God uses as His system to make character in us.

This character leads us to the stopgap we've in the philosophy. And this stopgap reminds us who God is and what He has done for us. No matter how dire the situation, His stopgap will noway allow us to be put to shame. And the evidence?! He sealed us with the security of the Spirit.( Romans 53- 5).

The coming time commodity catches you by surprise, and you find those anxious passions washing inside you, your studies going every which way, try this. Allow anxiety to prompt you to supplicate. Talk to God about your problems and trials. Remind yourself that He's each- knowing, so you do n’t have to be. Rejoice that He's present with you through every storm and trial, and He'll use every bit of your trouble to drive you to hope that noway fails. Allow this verity to be a attar to your anxious heart moment, and know that you're noway alone. God will noway leave you or leave you( Hebrews 135).

Let’s supplicate

Dear Lord, I admit I frequently do n’t suppose to rejoice when trouble strikes. My knee haul is fussing. But in your graciousness, you gently remind me through anxiety to lift up my circumstances in prayer. Lord, I supplicate your Word over my anxious heart. God, thank you that I can rejoice in these troubles because they're enriching me into a strong and stopgap- filled person. So, Lord, I trust that as I lean on you during my trials, you stir stopgap in me and out onto others who may be enduring their own problems. God help me to be gentle with myself when I ’m feeling spooked. Help me run to you and not down from you. I know you're good, and you ’ll use everything passing to me for my good and your glory. Thank you that as I praise you and ask for what I need, you give me peace that surpasses all understanding( Philippians 46).

Thank you that gratefulness is the secret armament to passing joy during the storms I face. In Jesus ’ name, amen.


About the Creator

Suresh Natarajan

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